Plains Stone pillars

This thing is fully detached and it won't pop. thoughts?
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
UncleAcidic 0 comments 0 likes

Science Dog replied to Plains Stone pillars June 4, 2022 @ 12:08:43 pm PDT

Can you make a ladder up on it and hit it from the top? Maybe it'll explode into pebbles that way.
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
0 comments 0 likes

UncleAcidic replied to Plains Stone pillars June 4, 2022 @ 12:11:05 pm PDT

Originally posted by Science Dog:
Can you make a ladder up on it and hit it from the top? Maybe it'll explode into pebbles that way.

you're not supposed to need to do it from the top. iv'e seen it done a bunch of times from underneath. this is the first time iv'e done it myself so i'm like what gives?
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
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Complaintdesk replied to Plains Stone pillars June 4, 2022 @ 12:11:53 pm PDT

Add a ladder to gain access to the top and you have a great refuge during, "You Are Being Hunted", wolf invasion event ...
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
0 comments 0 likes

Science Dog replied to Plains Stone pillars June 4, 2022 @ 12:17:13 pm PDT

Originally posted by UncleAcidic:
Originally posted by Science Dog:
Can you make a ladder up on it and hit it from the top? Maybe it'll explode into pebbles that way.

you're not supposed to need to do it from the top. iv'e seen it done a bunch of times from underneath. this is the first time iv'e done it myself so i'm like what gives?

No clue. Just a moderator, not a dev. I've exploded large ore deposits while standing on top of them before so... Just a suggestion. You do you.
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
0 comments 0 likes

UncleAcidic replied to Plains Stone pillars June 4, 2022 @ 12:29:57 pm PDT

ok I got it. apparently the edge of the pillar needs to be really far away from the ground edge and if the ground is inclined as mine was, then the edge needs to be even farther than that. still more stone faster than any other method so it's all good
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
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Scoob454 replied to Plains Stone pillars June 4, 2022 @ 12:32:58 pm PDT

From the picture, it looks like there are parts of it pretty close to other terrain. Try taking out those pieces and it should pop.

Edit: Nice, you got it!
8:13 pm, June 4, 2022
0 comments 0 likes