Swamp Tips

Seeing a lot of posts about Swamp hate. And I think it's worth us putting heads together to help newbies. What are your tips for those venturing into swamp? I'll start

POISON RESIST POTIONS: Do not run around the swamp without em. You will die.

USE CRYPTS LIKE A BASES: My rule of thumb is....run through the swamp, don't fight anything....until I find a crypt. Can throw a fire down and stay rested. Once in a crypt, do not leave it until it's day time. Plenty to do down there anyway.

BRING EXTRA MINING PICKS: With the above...you do not want to be running around the swamp at night...so spend the night in a crypt digging. Can always use a chest to store extra materials and make trips back n forth

BUILD A SMALL HUT NEAR CRYPT: For extra large swamps....find a good central crypt, and build a hut with bed n fire. Ideally get a portal set up inside. Can bounce between crypt and hut when in a jam...and a good central point to sleep because....don't run around the swamp at night.

SAVE STAMINA: If you're sprinting and burn that last little bit of stamina jumping out of the water and over a log....well, there may be a 2 star draugr archer on the otherside. Prepare to die. Need to conserve stamina for when the you know what hits the fan. Sometimes, just walking is better....Carelessness = sadness

ABOMINATIONS HATE FIRE GEYSERS: Easiest way to down an abomination early is to kite them over a fire geyser. Burn baby burn. Ideally, find a fire geyser near a crypt. Catching a theme here?

YOU DIED: CORPSE RUN TIME: Do not try to get your corpse with 25 health, no poison resist and no stamina. You will die over and over. Get rested, eat some high health food, and down a poison resist potion before you go get your stuff. Laziness = sadness

BOWS ARE YOUR FRIEND IN CRYPTS: Poke a hole in the hallway, and when you see tough opponents on the other side....shoot em with arrows, take your time. Jumping into a room without knowing what is on other side is bad.

Hope this helps. What did I miss vets?
3:13 pm, February 2, 2023
Reften 0 comments 0 likes

Reften replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 8:52:39 am PST

Originally posted by Neromaxis:
Always take a hoe and level out paths that would otherwise put you in water at walking speed but still be careful of leeches as they will also raise with the terrain.
isnt a workbench needed for a hoe to work?
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Faceplant8 replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 8:57:21 am PST

I highly recommend not making a beach landing in the swamps until you are well prepared to do so. Last time I tried that, an abomination popped up right next to my boat, and I died soon after. I respawned on the small half BF / half plains island that I launched from with no way to get to my stuff or get off the island without going back to world spawn.

Even if you used a portal to get near the swamp, you're still going to have to somehow get back to the swamp and likely do another beach landing to get your stuff back.

Find a safe biome near the swamp that you can enter from relatively safely. You may have to search the swamp to find a crypt, but IMO that's much safer than dealing with the mobs that converge on you when you do a beach landing.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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madrigal replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 9:00:44 am PST

First time in the swamp, don't rush in like a fool. Don't go in at night. Sneak and speed is your friend, so I like full troll armor set playing solo. It's harder in MP, because the party draws more aggro and there's always that one impatient guy that thinks he's invincible.

And always, always, always, keep up the rested bonus. Have health and stamina pots for emergencies.

It feels like poison was nerfed since I played 8 months ago. It's pretty easy to survive in the daytime. I went into the swamp with my cute blues, my carrot soup, deer stew and boar meat and one hit from a blob only took 1/4 of my health bar. No big deal. I can parry a 2-star draugr with my level 3 bronze buckler no problem, and take it out in 2-3 hits with the level 3 bronze mace.

I go in VERY CAREFULLY and find some turnip seeds, wait some days until I can get turnips to upgrade the cauldron. In the meantime, I snipe some draugrs, leeches and blobs from the edge of the swamp for ingredients. I have a portal nearby in the forest so I can quickly beat feet if it gets spicy. Use the hoe to make a safe path to crypts and place torches on it so I don't get lost in a big swamp.

AFTER I have some turnips, then I go kill the Elder and start working on crypts. Portal on top of crypt, fire inside the doorway for resting. The hardest part is carrying the iron back to the boat.

Night time? Just chill out in the crypt by your fire and go get a snack, drink or ciggy or whatever.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Godsmutant replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 9:09:24 am PST

Originally posted by Reften:
Originally posted by Neromaxis:
Always take a hoe and level out paths that would otherwise put you in water at walking speed but still be careful of leeches as they will also raise with the terrain.
isnt a workbench needed for a hoe to work?
No, but you do need a work bench if you want to fill in
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Neromaxis replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:14:25 am PST

Always take a hoe and level out paths that would otherwise put you in water at walking speed but still be careful of leeches as they will also raise with the terrain.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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John replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:16:13 am PST

Extra mining picks are useless, just bring along a pocket portal, set it up on a crypt and you are fine.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Foxglovez replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:35:53 am PST

If struggling, watch a vid or two on the swamps. Too much left out here and wall of texts really don't help folks as much as seeing how stuff works. And one player's solution to a problem is not necessarily the way to go. We all have opinions but they don't necessarily work for others.
I would never put a shack on the ground in the swamp. I would drop a portal up top so I could go home and get a decent buff. And I would put a portal in a building of some sort just at the edge of the swamp in meadows or BF. Wouldn't bother with multiple picks, wouldn't race through till I found a crypt because what if there is none... wouldn't think much about fire geysers because that is just rng if you get one near you. It's like basing your fight on getting help from a troll, total rng.
In the swamps if you base your defense and life on luck as you run through, especially at the beginning, it's gonna be a sad time. So i dunno, if I was a new player and took most of these tips to heart I would hate the game, think everything was too hard and not understand why I was dead so much.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Godsmutant replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:37:54 am PST

Found a great swamp Island which has 18 crypts on it, I first build a little shelter and portal on top each one so no problems with my shelter & chests getting attacked, so when I clear the crypts of iron I store them on top of the crypt and then move to next, once all the crypts were done I used the hoe to make levelled path between them all, with leveled paths done I can then easily transport all the iron with cart to also a secure port area where I've got 6 furnaces to smelt the lot so the iron is ready for transport on my longship to anyone of by base's, I've iron for days! And I love it!
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Tomiro replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:38:47 am PST

Stagbreaker can kill enemies in the next room before completely mining through a scrap pile.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Faceplant8 replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:44:28 am PST

Listen for flies. If you hear flies on the other side of the mud pile, that means the room you're about to enter contains a body pile. The body pile will keep spawning Draugr until you take it out, and it could spawn a Draugr Elite, so you need to take it out ASAP.

I find that the safest way to take it out is to cut a path to it as safely as possible and take it out with a bow, then take out the remaining Draugr. Sometimes that's not easy, but it's okay to just forget about it and go someplace else. Adding your body to the pile is not recommended.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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DarthTanyon replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:55:37 am PST

The first time you see an abomination you might be terrified.. this is understandable. If you are in T2 troll armor they will likely 2 shot you if you are not blocking properly. They are very slow and their moves are easy to telegraph. I personally would recommend just avoiding them at first. Their pathing is TERRIBLE.. you can lose them through trees easily.

If you want to kill them and can get on top of a crypt they can't hit you and you can widdle them down with your ax.. fire arrows work ok but they are resistant to pierce so it will take you like 30 arrows to bring one down.

Bottom line.. if they are too much then just avoid them. Unlike a lot of other mobs they actually will not chase you far they give up rather easily.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Jogo replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 7:59:09 am PST

Originally posted by Faceplant8:
Listen for flies. If you hear flies on the other side of the mud pile, that means the room you're about to enter contains a body pile.


Also, if you need to farm wraiths for chains for some reason but you are afraid to stay for the night, approach from a neighboring friendly biome and scout the swamp. Wraiths float and are easily spotted in the gloomy ambiance. Wait for them to get closer, use a ranged attack whilst sneaking to bring them down to half HP, finish them off when they get to you. They are perfectly survivable, unless they've got company. Make it quick so as not to attract much attention -- easy chains to collect and store for later use.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Godsmutant replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 8:02:11 am PST

Make abominations chase you they are great for knocking down trees for you. Just have a good shield.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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Reften replied to Swamp Tips February 2, 2023 @ 8:39:35 am PST

Originally posted by cookie:
i build a portal hut on the shoreline so i can longboat iron out , clear all nearby spawns , put a workbench and chest in the hut with a portal , raise the hut off the ground so you have to jump into it , spawns will happen when you show up , kill them and leave , in that case you can safely leave the boat docked and perform repairs when you show up , or simply put the longboat in the chest for future use ......none of this applies to your first crypt. for the first one i use the karve to get a first crypt , search and search until you find a crypt near the water , the karve is likely to get smashed but you can dock and sprint into the crypt , crypt entry way may have a blob or a draugr or two but is usually pretty safe.
in the crypts you can bow through partially open doorways , spawns make a fly buzzing noise , no point in killing draugr until the buzzy spawn is removed , clubs work but so do bows

ooooonly thing here is, if you scramble around that area at night time, you could be in a heap of trouble. I prefer to drop portals close to crypts, and use the zone in and out to my benefit.
6:13 pm, February 2, 2023
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