Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet?

I don't really want to come back until it's confirmed that terrain wont randomly reset.

I've had 2 nice villages where the terrain reset on me seemingly randomly on loading the world. This lead to my bases being pretty much unusable unless I tear down the buildings and start from scatch.

Is there any official word on this issue being worked on or fixed? I can't seem to find anything from the devs or whatnot.

Just bugs me because the terrain is hardly flat anywhere... and thats fine! I love the hilly landscape. But I also love flattening areas for building foundations. Or for pathways and such...

And need I mention there is a tool made for terrain manipulation? And that the pickaxe digs out the terrain? Just seems odd that changes to terrain aren't 'stable'.

Just for clarification, I'm NOT doing insane mega projects or anything. I'm not cutting out like square miles of terrain by any means. Just decently sized village style buildings, that I dig foundations for. Or even just the flattening of a space for a garden/farm.

sigh... I love the game, but this is a big issue for me and the friends I play with at least.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
sushileafbeats 0 comments 0 likes

knighttemplar1960 replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 1:51:31 pm PST

I've never had terrain that I modified change without me doing it. I have my first lodge that i ever buitl on a server that is 1300+ game days old and its still the same as it has laways been.

I started a new save and built a huge 50x50 3 story plus attic base with earthen walls and a dry moat. 350 game days old and still no changes.
9:13 am, February 2, 2023
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Foxglovez replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 2:07:38 pm PST

2500+ hours, many seeds, many bases, never had terrain reset, unlike NMS, where terrain always resets and messes stuff up. That list includes my first base which I go back to on a regular basis. I think you are safe to manipulate the terrain, though it is one of the things that can cause lag if extensive. This is solo, in co-op it also doesn't reset but definitely causes lag, not as much as a year ago, but you will notice it if you choose to Build Big or if multiple players build close to one another.
9:13 am, February 2, 2023
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DarthTanyon replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 2:23:27 pm PST

350 hours.. probably 6 different games.. never seen this happen once? Sounds lie maybe just some incredibly bad luck or something..
9:13 am, February 2, 2023
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Cynnis†er replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 3:06:39 pm PST

I just read all of this!, that just seems crazy!. We have over 1k hours in this game, working on making cities in every biome and non of us have come across this yet. Do any of you have mods of any kind?. We only play Vanilla and haven't come across anything like this yet, THANKFULLY!

9:13 am, February 2, 2023
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KingKickAss replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 6:12:56 am PST

I'm also curious about this. Its hard to want to build anything after watching terrain you flattened and built on top of suddenly spring up and destroy what you made, no matter how many times you flatten it back down.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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Vazkulator replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 6:17:11 am PST

isnt the world edits saved static on your world save files ? :S
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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M.Red replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 6:26:26 am PST

as far as i can tell - never had issues with resetting terrain
done a village myself in a survival game and dont seen any alterations to the terrain except for those i made (playing singleplayer on a single world)
of course i move around a lot - currently devastating a mountain for all the silver

flattend,pickaxed and modified a lot of the area
roads and pathways leading around

should be fine
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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stvlepore replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 6:36:22 am PST

I've made huge holes in the ground mining copper. Have never seen them reset.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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jonnin replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 7:27:56 am PST

I frequently raise it up and also dig out part as a basement. all works fine, has for a long time.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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Nerevar replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 7:35:28 am PST

never had this happen so far and i reshaped an entire BAY for port marble with ground manipulation. maybe you didnt pray enough to the hoe. the hoe is your god afterall. it can ruin any enemies day aside from the flyers.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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Hondo replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 10:43:22 am PST

I play solo and I have never had that happen and I have several bases were I have altered the landscape. I have flattened, lowered, and raised the ground and it stays the same when I return to the game. If you play on a private server with others, there might be some settings they are using that resets things. Might check on that.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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jonnin replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 10:45:58 am PST

cloud saves and multiple pcs has caused some woes. always back it up.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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vanflyhightanzek replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 10:55:33 am PST

ive had many villages with over 1,500 hours in and have never seen that happen.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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76561198097107304 replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 11:21:36 am PST

I have more then enuff hours to safely say that the problem is in your end.
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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Oakshield replied to Is it safe to flatten/dig/path terrain in your bases yet? February 1, 2023 @ 11:23:01 am PST

Somehow I got the feeling the OP played at an "open" MP server, where someone entered, went invisible and use the terrain raising option to spawn these "terrain resets."

Thorin :)
9:13 pm, February 1, 2023
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