Plains Boss?

I've explored multiple plains biome locations and have almost fully upgraded the last tier of armor but haven't been able to find any of the runestones that tells me the boss location. Is there something I'm missing? Is there a particular structure I should look for? Do they spawn in the fuling camps? Please help, the deathsquitos are getting annoying.
9:13 pm, March 11, 2022
Mordiicai 0 comments 0 likes

Danson replied to Plains Boss? March 11, 2022 @ 11:02:25 am PST

The runes will usually be in Fuling outposts. So look for those, or what looks like a hand reaching up out of the ground.
9:13 pm, March 11, 2022
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jonnin replied to Plains Boss? March 11, 2022 @ 11:03:05 am PST

You can't miss the alter. It looks like a skeleton hand sticking up through the ground, about the size of the largest buildings you encounter in large villages.

The locator stones spawn inside large furby villages and their weird alters. Look for 'man made' rock formations or clear every village you can find. Or just scour the plains for the hand.

If you are OK with such things, the map generator online can also tell you where it is, or where the hint stones are, or both... If you want to do it the hard way, well, its hard... this one can take a while to get lucky
9:13 pm, March 11, 2022
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