Rebind dodge?

I'm not seeing dodge in controls, is there a way to rebind it?
5:13 am, September 9, 2021
EmperorC3 0 comments 0 likes

Horemvore replied to Rebind dodge? September 10, 2021 @ 4:48:46 am PDT

Originally posted by Sentient Entropy:
Originally posted by Tevirik:
I can't get block+jump+space simultaneously. (I need too many time to get my fingers on the right buttons and I'm dead before I can fire this silly combo correctly).

You should try using a controller, it's simple to dodge.
Simple on a KB too, Crouch then Direction + Space.
2:13 pm, September 10, 2021
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Mharr replied to Rebind dodge? September 10, 2021 @ 3:39:27 am PDT

I have a movement double-tap script for this but it can be kinda annoying while sailing:

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetKeyDelay, 0

If (GetKeyState("RButton"))
Send, {Space}
Send, {RButton Down}{Space}
Sleep, 100
Send, {RButton Up}

#IfWinActive Valheim

If (A_PriorHotkey <> "~w" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 250)
KeyWait, w

If (A_PriorHotkey <> "~a" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 250)
KeyWait, a

If (A_PriorHotkey <> "~s" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 250)
KeyWait, s

If (A_PriorHotkey <> "~d" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 250)
KeyWait, d
11:13 am, September 10, 2021
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Macdallan replied to Rebind dodge? September 10, 2021 @ 12:29:10 am PDT

Originally posted by The n00b A:
Originally posted by Macdallan:
Well, most people possess MORE dexterity than I have to be honest, and I find it very easy to do.

Unless you have physical limitations I can't fathom how holding the right mouse button and pressing space is hard. Why? Because it's not. It's only two keys and the right mouse button if you want to dodge in a specific direction. If you're in a fight you're already moving anyway, or should be, so all you have to do is block and hit space. It's no harder to dodge than to do anything else in a fight. If you can't hit the space bar while holding WASD and using your OTHER hand to hold the right mouse button... well... I don't know what to tell you. Practice for a few minutes, maybe?

I feel like answering "git gud" to someone just asking for control customization is a bit much.

I think that practice for a few minutes is a pretty reasonable suggestion. It's very easy to learn how to dodge in this game and it doesn't need different controls, mods, or cheats. Put in a modicum of effort and you'll succeed at it. It's the same as building in the game. It takes a bit of practice to get used to the system but once you do learn it and become familiar with it you can significantly reduce build times. It's no different for the combat, including learning to dodge.

Seriously, a bit of practice with it will build muscle memory for it. The first time you sat down at a keyboard to type you weren't hitting 40 words per minute, but I bet most people that regularly use computers can hit 40-50, or more. Why? Practice.
8:13 am, September 10, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

Macdallan replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 4:14:05 pm PDT

Well, most people possess MORE dexterity than I have to be honest, and I find it very easy to do.

Unless you have physical limitations I can't fathom how holding the right mouse button and pressing space is hard. Why? Because it's not. It's only two keys and the right mouse button if you want to dodge in a specific direction. If you're in a fight you're already moving anyway, or should be, so all you have to do is block and hit space. It's no harder to dodge than to do anything else in a fight. If you can't hit the space bar while holding WASD and using your OTHER hand to hold the right mouse button... well... I don't know what to tell you. Practice for a few minutes, maybe?
2:13 am, September 10, 2021
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The n00b A replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 5:08:24 pm PDT

Originally posted by Macdallan:
Well, most people possess MORE dexterity than I have to be honest, and I find it very easy to do.

Unless you have physical limitations I can't fathom how holding the right mouse button and pressing space is hard. Why? Because it's not. It's only two keys and the right mouse button if you want to dodge in a specific direction. If you're in a fight you're already moving anyway, or should be, so all you have to do is block and hit space. It's no harder to dodge than to do anything else in a fight. If you can't hit the space bar while holding WASD and using your OTHER hand to hold the right mouse button... well... I don't know what to tell you. Practice for a few minutes, maybe?

I feel like answering "git gud" to someone just asking for control customization is a bit much.
2:13 am, September 10, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

The n00b A replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 10:43:08 am PDT

Originally posted by Tevirik:
There are 3 buttons to press to dodge. (I just confused them, sorry).
The right combo is block+jump+direction.

"Pretty darn simple with KB/mouse, too."
Not everybody possesses your dexterity. To me, pressing those 3 buttons together while battling is impossible.
I can activate this silly combo if I have time to think my move. But while in combat it's not possible.

There are already some pages in here where ppl complain this combo is too difficult and other ppl answer "What ? No, it's easy".

So I mod my game, change keybinding for dogging and I'm happy.

Tbh I wouldnt say impossible. Its the same as if you were doing a jump attack: a direction, a jump and a mouse click.

But you play the game the way it makes more fun to you; i wont ever judge that. Also my cheap keyboard has a software limit of 4 keys max pressed at the same time, so it can be a usefull mod for other people too.
8:13 pm, September 9, 2021
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Weaver replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 4:14:05 am PDT

Originally posted by Tevirik:
To rebind, I had to use a mod.
I can't get block+jump+space simultaneously. (I need too many time to get my fingers on the right buttons and I'm dead before I can fire this silly combo correctly).

You're conflating a 2 button action into a 3 button action, which its not.
It's simp!y holding/pressing the right mouse button and pressing space bar.
2:13 pm, September 9, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

Tevirik replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 4:55:03 am PDT

There are 3 buttons to press to dodge. (I just confused them, sorry).
The right combo is block+jump+direction.

"Pretty darn simple with KB/mouse, too."
Not everybody possesses your dexterity. To me, pressing those 3 buttons together while battling is impossible.
I can activate this silly combo if I have time to think my move. But while in combat it's not possible.

There are already some pages in here where ppl complain this combo is too difficult and other ppl answer "What ? No, it's easy".

So I mod my game, change keybinding for dogging and I'm happy.
2:13 pm, September 9, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

Horemvore replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 2:02:17 am PDT

Jump and Space is the same key....
11:13 am, September 9, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

Sentient Entropy replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 3:41:31 am PDT

Originally posted by Tevirik:
I can't get block+jump+space simultaneously. (I need too many time to get my fingers on the right buttons and I'm dead before I can fire this silly combo correctly).

You should try using a controller, it's simple to dodge.
11:13 am, September 9, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

Macdallan replied to Rebind dodge? September 9, 2021 @ 3:52:39 am PDT

Pretty darn simple with KB/mouse, too.
11:13 am, September 9, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

The n00b A replied to Rebind dodge? September 8, 2021 @ 10:34:44 pm PDT

Dodge is block + jump (hold right click + press space); it's shown in the corner of the screen, sometimes.
8:13 am, September 9, 2021
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EmperorC3 replied to Rebind dodge? September 8, 2021 @ 11:31:59 pm PDT

Ik, I'm asking to rebind it in the control settings menu
8:13 am, September 9, 2021
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Tevirik replied to Rebind dodge? September 8, 2021 @ 11:36:49 pm PDT

To rebind, I had to use a mod.
I can't get block+jump+space simultaneously. (I need too many time to get my fingers on the right buttons that I'm dead before I can fire this silly combo correctly).
8:13 am, September 9, 2021
0 comments 0 likes