Dealing with 2 trolls.

That's what I gotta deal with every time the forest is moving and they always kill me. This time the trolls completely destroyed my boar pen where I was taming a one star boar.

I need some help on how to deal with this. I have iron armor and fully upgraded bronze buckler and axe. Even when I blocked it seemed to stagger me
9:13 am, December 7, 2021
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76561197979566298 replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 10:36:44 am PST

Originally posted by TGC> The Games Collector:
If you have bronze, don't bother parrying the trolls that smash around with trees, just kite them with the bow.

The unarmed ones can easily be parried with the bronze buckler and spear seems quite effective on them.
Yep it was the trolls that hit with trees!
9:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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demon night replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 12:42:25 pm PST

trust me it's a waste of time to tame boars. at least the he point in game where you don't yet dunk on trolls with the porcupine
9:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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AugustusKron replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 12:47:32 pm PST

Originally posted by demon night:
...dunk on trolls with the porcupine

secondary attack with the blackmetal knife is fun too
9:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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DarkFaceGlow replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 4:46:26 am PST

Kite then away from your base and shoot them with fire arrows. In the head if possible.
6:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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TGC> The Games Collector replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 9:38:03 am PST

If you have bronze, don't bother parrying the trolls that smash around with trees, just kite them with the bow.

The unarmed ones can easily be parried with the bronze buckler and spear seems quite effective on them.
6:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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steveviscious replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 9:39:37 am PST

Lead them away from your base. If killing them isn't an option, just take the five deaths and they'll despawn, provided the event ends.
6:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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Plok! replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 9:44:56 am PST

Just play dead. Imagine those were bears.
6:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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AugustusKron replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 10:02:02 am PST

trolls have real trouble with trenches. trenches with nice steep sides, and a wall on top for example. lots of ways to mess with trolls
6:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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Macdallan replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 1:14:11 am PST

Well, another option is to switch to a bow with flint or fire arrows and lose the iron armour because it's slowing you down. Grab some troll leather, dodge roll and move more so you can avoid being hit instead of trying to tank damage from something that's the size of a house. Shoot when you've got range and don't rush it.

You can drop trolls faster with piercing damage than with an axe so if you insist on fighting them in melee maybe grab a spear instead. I recently started a new character and was able to defeat a troll in cave with melee. I had limited space to move but was using a club which isn't a great weapon and it only hit me once because I made a mistake. I had only leather armour and a wooden shield at the time so parrying or tanking the damage wasn't an option. For the most part once you learn to time your dodge rolls properly, and how to manage stamina, you'll be fine against trolls.

Oh, and it's definitely easier to deal with multiple enemies if you kite them and use range weapons when you have the room to do that. It may take a bit longer, but it's much safer. Keep that rested buff up and make sure you have the right food combo so you have a decent health and stamina balance.
12:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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Veseljko replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 1:22:42 am PST

Also, a good advice is not to kill them until the event is over. I think it lasts for 2 minutes so just play with them. If you kill them during the event, the others will come. Play with 2 trolls instead of fighting 4 or 6 of them.
12:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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Draconifors replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 2:37:54 am PST

When it comes to blocking, it's also important to keep your HP up with food, as HP directly affects how much damage you're able to block.
12:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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GunsForBucks replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 3:09:16 am PST

First make some defenses.

If you don't want your buildings and farm or whatever attacked dig a moat.

Easiest way to deal with an event is to crouch and hide where you can't be seen. Clear out whatever spawned after the event ends.

With iron you can even put up stone walls.

With a moat they will spawn and just stand there unable to get to you and you can just shoot them easily.

I put a roof over my boar pen.. now it is a boar house that even protects them from flying threats.
12:13 pm, December 7, 2021
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Veseljko replied to Dealing with 2 trolls. December 7, 2021 @ 12:21:41 am PST

Try to parry - block in the last moment before it hits you. That way you will stagger them and deal extra dmg while they are staggered. Keep in mind that you need some stamina to block or parry. If your stamina bar is empty you cannot block.
Also rolling in the last moment helps you evade the attack. You can roll towards them to stay close and hit more times between their swings.
Instead of axe use a spear because it deals more dmg to trolls and attacks faster.
To prevent them destroying your base, try to dig a moat around it.
9:13 am, December 7, 2021
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