Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ?

Saw a number of youtube vids on the merits of using a rock for target practice, one youtuber even going so far as to suggest one build a house around it for the bonuses. So I did dat. And pounded that rock like it owed me money. Made not a lick of difference. Poured over a hundred arrows into it as well. Same result. Nada. Looks like the devs closed that door.

It might've been a hint that two trolls attacked me while I was building this enclosure, which was a first for me.
8:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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sarteck replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 7:30:47 pm PDT

AFAIK, you cannot train Sneak by auto-running.
Also, your Sneak skill improves a lot more if you are within visual range of a mob, so there's that...

[Edited for spelling]
5:13 am, April 9, 2023
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avatar.zero replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 8:52:53 pm PDT

Originally posted by sarteck:
AFAIK, you cannot train Sneak by auto-running.
Also, your Sneak skill improves a lot more if you are within visual range of a mob, so there's that...

[Edited for spelling]

x10 experience, but only if the mob stays unaware. If you're within sensory range of an aware or aggro mob, you don't get the increased exp rate. Then again, it's actually easy to create situations where you don't have to worry about alerting any practice critters.
5:13 am, April 9, 2023
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Sintreme replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 4:33:46 pm PDT

Maybe you need to only automove in sneak for a limited amount of time, then stop for a while, then start again...
2:13 am, April 9, 2023
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Lucidess replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 3:27:30 pm PDT

Originally posted by umop-apisdn:
Stealth can also be trained the same as before the "rock nerf"; press Ctrl to sneak, then press "Q" to autorun into a wall within range but out of sight of a mob... then go do something else IRL for a while.
How are you doing that? Every time I autorun, it cancels the sneak. Also, when your stamina reaches 0 you go out of sneak mode.

Personally I like Skeleton spawners for training, as the bones have a use for many upgradables.

Originally posted by umop-apisdn:
And all of that being said, perhaps you should just... play the game? All of that "skilling up" doesn't change whether or not something can be done in the first place (with the exception of jumping, which does impact jump height); player skill is the determining factor much more often than character skill, and using an ability levels it... so just play.
There's a lot more exceptions than just being able to jump over a certain height. By that logic, many skills such as Block are extremely important for being able to parry enemies without being staggered. There's many thresholds in the game like that, and it comes from minmaxing instead of upgrading all the way to full and then overpowering your enemies with sheer gear.

But yeah, just don't get hit right? Skills don't matter right? Sure why not.
11:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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Vazkulator replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 3:30:21 pm PDT

delete option, doesnt implement a new/better/different alternative
the minds of innovation of the 2020s
11:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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Science Dog replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 10:40:28 am PDT

You're 100% correct, there's no longer an option to have a "training rock" that you hack away at for weapon skill-ups. We had a "dojo" with a big rock in the middle on a server and we unfortunately had to close the dojo after the change. :LamentMoonman:
8:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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Grimtempest replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 10:54:21 am PDT

One thing you can still do is build yourself a nice little mini base near a greydwarf spawner and whack away. Just make sure to stand back far enough that they don't chuck rocks at you and hit their spawner because they will slowly damage it if they do and you don't want it to break.
8:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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OctoberSky replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 11:06:56 am PDT

Also draugr villages but maybe after getting skills at least above 30 at greydwarf spawners.
8:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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umop-apisdn replied to Weapon training 'exploit' patched out ? April 8, 2023 @ 11:12:59 am PDT

All of that being said, it's just the rock that got nerfed. You can still "train" many things, it just requires a bit more creativity to do so.

"Hit stuff" works on anything that can hit you back; find a spawner, and have at.

"Block" works without a shield (or indeed, even a weapon). Aggro a greyling, and hold right-click until your blocking skill is where you want it. If you'd like, build a hallway first, to prevent having to spin to face them.

Make "pickaxe training" productive; do it with copper node, or tin blobs, or muddy scrap piles. Get adventurous, and train pickaxe with golems.

A greydwarf nest makes for an excellent archery trainer; shoot the spawned greydwarfs, not the spawner, or you'll need to find a new one. Fire arrows work wonderfully. As a bonus, you get a bunch of wood and rocks.

Swimming can still be trained in the way that has been shown in several videos; simply make a staircase into the water with a wall at the end, press "Q" to autorun, wait for a storm, and go do something else for a while in real life.

Stealth can also be trained the same as before the "rock nerf"; press Ctrl to sneak, then press "Q" to autorun into a wall within range but out of sight of a mob... then go do something else IRL for a while.

Running skill "just happens"... but if you must train it, just run against a wall until you run out of stamina, wait for your stamina to regen, then repeat. Rocks have no impact on this process, although resting/rested does decrease the amount of time spent "not running".

Jumping is trained by, well, jumping. Hold Shift to build a floor tile slightly higher than 1 full wall height to reduce the time between jumps, and press "Space" over and over while standing under it.

And all of that being said, perhaps you should just... play the game? All of that "skilling up" doesn't change whether or not something can be done in the first place (with the exception of jumping, which does impact jump height); player skill is the determining factor much more often than character skill, and using an ability levels it... so just play.
8:13 pm, April 8, 2023
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