F5 not working

I have entered "-console" into the properties screen in Steam, in the launch options text box. I am certain I have typed it correctly, having typed it and subsequently copying and pasting from other sources.

When I get into the game, F5 simply does nothing.

F2, for example, does work, along with all of my other keyboard buttons, so I'm sure it's not the keyboard settings.
12:13 pm, March 2, 2023
slayer 0 comments 0 likes

Cap'n Bells replied to F5 not working March 5, 2023 @ 1:46:48 am PST

Ahhh that ol Chestnut...
12:13 pm, March 5, 2023
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avatar.zero replied to F5 not working March 4, 2023 @ 10:35:10 pm PST

Originally posted by slayer:
I spent some dedicated time on the issue... and it was the FN settings on the keyboard. By default I have they keyboard set to do the secondary functions like volume and mute etc (which only exist on F5-F12, hence F1 and F2 still working). I didn't realise this was carrying over into the game profile. I'm too old to make such rookie mistakes haha.

Ha, I feel your pain on that! When I first got my current laptop, there was an error in the BIOS settings that caused the keyboard to start out in that mode by default. Wasn't long until I finally learned to love Fn+ESC (aka "Fn-Lock"), at least until I finally spotted the incorrectly set option...
9:13 am, March 5, 2023
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slayer replied to F5 not working March 4, 2023 @ 4:16:28 pm PST

Originally posted by Ralifur:
Sounds odd.

Console works fine here and i have it added same way as Doom Shroom describes. And yes it opens on F5 for me.

Dont really have any suggestions for you @OP as it sounds like you are doing it right. You 100% sure its not some silly FN function or a macro function thats enabled on your keyboard?

I spent some dedicated time on the issue... and it was the FN settings on the keyboard. By default I have they keyboard set to do the secondary functions like volume and mute etc (which only exist on F5-F12, hence F1 and F2 still working). I didn't realise this was carrying over into the game profile. I'm too old to make such rookie mistakes haha.
3:13 am, March 5, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

slayer replied to F5 not working March 4, 2023 @ 2:01:11 am PST

Thanks all - yes, I've done all the correct suggests mentioned - most of which I already covered off in my original post. F1 works when I go through Thunderstore, F2 works always... so I don't see that F5 should have an issue (and I have tried multiple launch options). I really don't know. Seems ridiculous that I am the only one with the issue...
3:13 pm, March 4, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

Renlish replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 10:30:05 pm PST

F5 *should* bring up the console, THEN type in devcommands, followed by debugmode. Then you've got access to all the cheat commands.

If you've got the -console put in the launch option in steam... then I dunno. It should work.
9:13 am, March 3, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

Cap'n Bells replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 7:19:32 pm PST

you leaving out the inverted commas? i hope so jus -console
6:13 am, March 3, 2023
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Cap'n Bells replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 7:20:50 pm PST

Originally posted by Gunnar Hurtya:
Never done it myself, but don't you have to type in " I am a cheat" to get the console functions to work?
Nope thats prior to H& H update from memory
6:13 am, March 3, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

L1m3r replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 6:53:32 am PST

How are you starting the game?
with BepInEx's start script?
Valheim.exe directly?

If you start Valheim though steam (or with this steam://rungameid/892970) and steams launch options for VH only contains "-console" it should work.

Take a luck at "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\Player.log" and see if it contains anything regarding console or startup parameters in general (dunno what to look for).

You can also use eg. Process Explorer[learn.microsoft.com] or Process Hacker[processhacker.sourceforge.io] to verify what VHs actual starting command line was while the game is running.

Originally posted by Gunnar Hurtya:
Never done it myself, but don't you have to type in " I am a cheat" to get the console functions to work?

no you don't. you need to open the console first and then type "devcommands" to enable the cheating commands.
There are plenty other commands that work just like that (without devcommands).

Originally posted by Doom Shroom Enjoyer:
Go to your properties and launch options then type -console

he did that. or explain yourself better please ("your properties"? I guess he's a human mammal, 1,5 - 2m in height and so on. can't find any launch options there). ;-)

Originally posted by ArcyPawel:
You need to find folder with your save file and make yourself Admin

What?! And no never!
And what is "make yourself Admin" supposed to mean?
  1. Use sth like NTPASSWD to hack windows and give himself adminrights? I'm pretty sure he's already got those.
  2. Set the save game folder so only admins can access it? Makes no sense.
  3. Start the game with elevated rights? No!
  4. What else?
3:13 pm, March 2, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

Gunnar Hurtya replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 2:13:21 am PST

Never done it myself, but don't you have to type in " I am a cheat" to get the console functions to work?
12:13 pm, March 2, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

✪Doom Shroom Enjoyer replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 2:42:21 am PST

Go to your properties and launch options then type -console
12:13 pm, March 2, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

ArcyPaweł replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 3:22:16 am PST

You need to find folder with your save file and make yourself Admin
12:13 pm, March 2, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

Ralifur replied to F5 not working March 2, 2023 @ 3:44:16 am PST

Sounds odd.

Console works fine here and i have it added same way as Doom Shroom describes. And yes it opens on F5 for me.

Dont really have any suggestions for you @OP as it sounds like you are doing it right. You 100% sure its not some silly FN function or a macro function thats enabled on your keyboard?
12:13 pm, March 2, 2023
0 comments 0 likes