Do I have to create a new world to play the new biome?

We want to play again with my friends after finishing the game, and I wanted to know if we can continue in the world that we all had together to play in the new biome or we will have to create a new world from 0.
3:13 pm, February 21, 2023
Mazinho 0 comments 0 likes

imre.dozsa replied to Do I have to create a new world to play the new biome? February 21, 2023 @ 8:54:35 am PST

In addition to base protection, it would be nice to have a drawbridge that can be opened from both sides.
6:13 pm, February 21, 2023
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Rhapsody replied to Do I have to create a new world to play the new biome? February 21, 2023 @ 7:02:58 am PST

No, you don't have to start a new world. But if you have previously explored mistlands regions, they won't be upgraded correctly. You'd best find a new region of the biome. Other than that, old world seeds may not be able to feature the new structures and terrain features the same way as new seeds, but personally I've found little to no differences between my old seed and a new seed on a server I play on.
3:13 pm, February 21, 2023
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