PLEASE ! add a key option for fly activation for Azerty keyboards.

By default, the key to activate flight is Z.
But on Azerty keyboards, the Z key is instead of W on Qwerty keyboards.
On Azerty keyboards, most of players rebind their keys to move foreward with Z.
So, in debug mode, each time we want to move forward, we activate and deactivate the fly.
It's unplayable, creative mode can't be used on Azerty keyboards.
Each time, you have to go to the Windows settings, switch the language configuration to English and reset the game in default settings to redo everything afterwards when you no longer want creative mode.
It would be enough to add the possibility of rebind the key for the creative fly.
8:13 am, March 28, 2023
Papalbator 0 comments 0 likes

FissionChips replied to PLEASE ! add a key option for fly activation for Azerty keyboards. March 28, 2023 @ 1:42:42 am PDT

+1 rebinding in general. Everything should be bindable.
11:13 am, March 28, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

rubinho replied to PLEASE ! add a key option for fly activation for Azerty keyboards. March 28, 2023 @ 2:34:32 am PDT

i like generaly this idea because i´m lefty and have trouble to take weapon or shield with 1-8 numbers but rebind to numpad e.g. would be much better for my needs...
11:13 am, March 28, 2023
0 comments 0 likes