Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do?
It not like using the Cultivator is a pain, it just isnt a well thought out process, does this really have to be that complicated? Let seeds snap to a grid or put a damn circle around it, like a workbench ring, to show the range of enough room. Its a pretty flaky process as it is now.
How much room does a beech seed need to grow? Been attempting to plan out a grid to build around the seeded area...
Carrots too, why the hell doesnt planting anything snap to a grid to make it easier, but having 1 seed in a 2x2 area is not enough room ? wth?
Gardening definitely needs better attention. We should be able to put a half fence down and grow things inside the raised cultivated square. Like a real garden.
How much room does a beech seed need to grow? Been attempting to plan out a grid to build around the seeded area...
Carrots too, why the hell doesnt planting anything snap to a grid to make it easier, but having 1 seed in a 2x2 area is not enough room ? wth?
Gardening definitely needs better attention. We should be able to put a half fence down and grow things inside the raised cultivated square. Like a real garden.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Grandaddypurple replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 1:30:32 pm PST
I thought of that too. Gardening can be fun in this type of game, but here it's super tedious. Everytime I run out of turnip soup I'm like "oh ♥♥♥♥ it's that time again..." and proceed to sacrifice half of the IG daytime planting 150 seeds. Having an AoE option for the cultivavtor would be awesome, or yea a grid so we don't have to worry about "nOT eNoUgH roOm"
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
dustin1280 replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 1:31:19 pm PST
Gardening could definitely use some QoL fixes...
I dread tending to my garden, but I need my garden to keep the turnip stews and carrot dish coming...
I dread tending to my garden, but I need my garden to keep the turnip stews and carrot dish coming...
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Death2Gnomes replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 1:33:27 pm PST
I lost 20 carrot seeds cuz what i thought was enough room, just wasnt, its irritating the devs lack real life gardening skills and dont think of these things.
Its like they are playing Hit OR Miss, throwing crap that the wall and seeing what sticks.
Its like they are playing Hit OR Miss, throwing crap that the wall and seeing what sticks.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Tachyon replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 1:46:04 pm PST
If the seed is highlighted in red, don't plant it there. Move it a little and when the seed goes a normal colour, plant it. Obviously. :)
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Grandaddypurple replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 1:47:54 pm PST
That works vertically, but horizontally I've planted carrots and turnips that said "needs more room to grow" even if it wasnt red If the seed is highlighted in red, don't plant it there. Move it a little and when the seed goes a normal colour, plant it. Obviously. :)
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
dustin1280 replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 1:48:14 pm PST
Yeah when I first acquired flax, I went and planted like 10 of them in my home base...
Only to find that they all immediately died because they can only be planted in the plains... that was a hard lesson...
Only to find that they all immediately died because they can only be planted in the plains... that was a hard lesson...
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
FadeXF replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 2:02:40 pm PST
I would love to see them update gardening... maybe even some sort of blueprint - for example you hold 10 seeds and can place them down easily in a pattern. And same when you collect them: hold E to pull up an entire area.
It for sure needs loving.
It for sure needs loving.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
AllOutWar76 replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 2:07:55 pm PST
Could definitely use some work. They should add a skill to it also as stamina drain makes the process take a lot longer than it should.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
MeGa replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 2:12:49 pm PST
Yep, also not having fun with this. Needs lotsa improvement.
The carrot seed thing is silly and not enjoyable
The carrot seed thing is silly and not enjoyable
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Chillum replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 2:15:55 pm PST
What I find works is place the plant, and leave about 3-4 feet of room between before the next one, go all the way down the row like that. Then step over slightly into a new row, maybe 6 inches or so, and place these offset by that 6 inches but lined up with the spaces of the first row, and repeat. Very few plants will need more room (if so just space a bit more) and it provides a nice looking pattern. (the rows end up looking like a diamond pattern)
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
BobthenotsoGreat replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 2:18:29 pm PST
carrots and turnips need a 2x2 space. You can place posts around the outside and plant lined up with them. So you move to a post and line up and move backward planting with the same keypress time and you should always have enough space.
Harvesting then becomes easy as you start at a post and spam E moving forward.
But yes it could be improved.
Harvesting then becomes easy as you start at a post and spam E moving forward.
But yes it could be improved.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Drunio replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 22, 2021 @ 2:20:32 pm PST
i like the circle showing required room idea OP
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Wegadin replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 23, 2021 @ 5:23:08 pm PST
Even a farming skill would be nice, where it can potentially yield more crops from a harvest, thus having to farm less.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Twitch_Fox replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 23, 2021 @ 5:34:11 pm PST
Try holding E when collecting, thank me later. carrots and turnips need a 2x2 space. You can place posts around the outside and plant lined up with them. So you move to a post and line up and move backward planting with the same keypress time and you should always have enough space.
Harvesting then becomes easy as you start at a post and spam E moving forward.
But yes it could be improved.
3:13 am, January 13, 2022
Lunacy replied to Why is planting stuff so damn hard to do? February 23, 2021 @ 5:37:17 pm PST
How much room does a beech seed need to grow? Been attempting to plan out a grid to build around the seeded area...
Carrots too, why the hell doesnt planting anything snap to a grid to make it easier, but having 1 seed in a 2x2 area is not enough room ? wth? :7days:
Trees need two 2x2 floors distance apart apparently (at least 4 tiles from one another)
carrots and turnips only need a 1x1 tile apart
3:13 am, January 13, 2022