Update help
After the update my inventory was broken, it was just a blank square and I couldn't craft. So I tried loading the beta previous old stable but when I loaded my game my world was gone. I loaded the default version but my world was still gone. When I went to manage saves and try and restore a backup it just says failed to load. It doesn't even seem to try loading the saves it just instantly fails.
9:13 pm, March 19, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 27, 2023 @ 10:20:43 am PDT
I forgot to mention, I actually don't have a main file; In steam's worlds folder I have the world file but no .fwl file plus the .old files and backups. In the local files I just have the .old files and backups.
8:13 pm, March 27, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 27, 2023 @ 9:59:37 am PDT
Yeah I have already manually restored my world which I am ok with If I am out of luck but I lost about 40 hours of work because the file got written by a really old worldname_backup file before the ingame restore function broke. I will see if I can get that config to work.
5:13 pm, March 27, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 27, 2023 @ 10:05:51 am PDT
I am probably just being dumb because I have a migraine but I can't figure out where that config file is.
5:13 pm, March 27, 2023
L1m3r replied to Update help March 27, 2023 @ 5:45:08 am PDT
Not sure either...
I was listing all files I was aware of: Current, RotatingOldCurrent("Backup" above) and up to 4(*) Backups.
Until now I overlooked the one you mentioned:
I've never used VH's internal restore feature. Always did that manually myself. :shrug:
(*) this max number of backups can be changed in VH's config/setup -> misc menu.
"X∈{x|0<x≤4}" was just me nerding out and seeing if those special characters work. It's the same as X=1,2,3,4
I was listing all files I was aware of: Current, RotatingOldCurrent("Backup" above) and up to 4(*) Backups.
Until now I overlooked the one you mentioned:
???: <YourCharName>_backup_<ISO-Date>-<?ISO-Time?>.fch
I only have at most one of those files ^^ for each character/world. Dunno how VH handles the differently named backup files.I've never used VH's internal restore feature. Always did that manually myself. :shrug:
(*) this max number of backups can be changed in VH's config/setup -> misc menu.
"X∈{x|0<x≤4}" was just me nerding out and seeing if those special characters work. It's the same as X=1,2,3,4
2:13 pm, March 27, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 26, 2023 @ 8:06:34 pm PDT
I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing. It appears that you are talking about the main file and the two .old backup files. Mine got over written so I am actually talking about the files who's naming scheme is "worldname_backup_numberstring-numberstring". The reason I want to convert those manually is that the in game restore function appears to be broken as it does not even make an attempt to restore files. I tried to manually rename those backup files to VH's naming convention but it does not create a valid file format.
I do not understand this though "With X∈{x|0<x≤4}. You can change the default max of "4" in VH's Misc menu."
I do not understand this though "With X∈{x|0<x≤4}. You can change the default max of "4" in VH's Misc menu."
5:13 am, March 27, 2023
L1m3r replied to Update help March 24, 2023 @ 9:52:42 pm PDT
Dunno if I understand correctly (nor why you want to that) but you can try renaming it into VH's backup naming convention
Current: <YourCharName>.fch
Backup: <YourCharName>.fch.old
BackupX: <YourCharName>_backup_auto-<ISO-DateTime>.fch
With X∈{x|0<x≤4}. You can change the default max of "4" in VH's Misc menu.
Backup: <YourCharName>.fch.old
BackupX: <YourCharName>_backup_auto-<ISO-DateTime>.fch
6:13 am, March 25, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 24, 2023 @ 8:10:01 pm PDT
Thanks for your help, that did help somewhat. I copied my .old files into my local but because I loaded a backup for one of my older backups the .old file was overwritten. I am still unable to restore any backups through the game menu. Does anyone know if there is a way to manually convert a backup file into a Valhiem file?
3:13 am, March 25, 2023
L1m3r replied to Update help March 20, 2023 @ 11:37:55 am PDT
some infos that are in that ^^ thread too:
Valheim world save locations.
Similar paths for character saves -> just "characters" instead of "worlds".
Take a look in your Steam cloud storage if youre using it in VH.
Since Steam cloud support in VH is still quite janky I'd only use it if I really needed to.
some infos that are in that ^^ thread too:
Valheim world save locations.
OLD: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds NEW: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds_local CLOUD: ...\Steam\userdata\<YourSteamUserID?>\892970\remote\worlds
You decide in-game where a world is stored/saved.Similar paths for character saves -> just "characters" instead of "worlds".
Take a look in your Steam cloud storage if youre using it in VH.
Since Steam cloud support in VH is still quite janky I'd only use it if I really needed to.
9:13 pm, March 20, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 19, 2023 @ 1:58:05 pm PDT
Reverting to old seems to be what broke it. I just tried "- Choose the drop down carrot of the character in question and restore from the 2nd from the top file listed." but that one also fails to restore as well. I was able to restore a backup from 2021 but that was missing basically everything so I tried to restore a different save and that failed to restore but now I also can't restore the 2021 save either.
9:13 pm, March 19, 2023
Blud replied to Update help March 19, 2023 @ 12:59:31 pm PDT
Do you have any mods? That appears to be the problem with all the many threads here about issues with the patch.
9:13 pm, March 19, 2023
Kahale replied to Update help March 19, 2023 @ 1:02:26 pm PDT
I do but even after the mods are removed I still cant restore a backup. Also I don't think the mods should be the issue. They game isn't even trying to restore the backup, it instantly fails.
9:13 pm, March 19, 2023
Blud replied to Update help March 19, 2023 @ 1:07:54 pm PDT
From what I have read , Bepinex and mod managers will cause problems even after mods have been removed. Search for Bepinex in search topic box. I do but even after the mods are removed I still cant restore a backup. Also I don't think the mods should be the issue. They game isn't even trying to restore the backup, it instantly fails.
9:13 pm, March 19, 2023
Zep Tepi replied to Update help March 19, 2023 @ 1:40:56 pm PDT
This was posted in the Valheim Plus discussions by AssasinLemons:
You most likely lost your inventory and possibly some other issues have occurred since updating Valheim Plus and your dedicated server.
As a temporary fix to get everything back do the following:
If you have a dedicated server:
- Launch Steam > Right click Valheim Dedicated Server and Open Properties
- Select the Betas tab and select from the drop down "default_old - Previous stable" > After updating back to the old version everything should be back to normal on the server side after a restart.
To get character inventory back:
- Launch Steam > Right click Valheim and Open Properties
- Select the Betas tab and select from the drop down "default_old - Previous stable"
- After reverting and updating your inventory will still be missing
- Launch Valheim > Go to the character in question > Select "manage saves"
- Choose the drop down carrot of the character in question and restore from the 2nd from the top file listed.
- There may be some slight data loss depending how long ago the save was but this should get your inventory back to "hopefully" its previous state or close to it
This is just a temporary fix and reverts back to the update before today. Hope this helps anyone else having this issue!
Edit: Hmm.. looks like you already tried all that.
You most likely lost your inventory and possibly some other issues have occurred since updating Valheim Plus and your dedicated server.
As a temporary fix to get everything back do the following:
If you have a dedicated server:
- Launch Steam > Right click Valheim Dedicated Server and Open Properties
- Select the Betas tab and select from the drop down "default_old - Previous stable" > After updating back to the old version everything should be back to normal on the server side after a restart.
To get character inventory back:
- Launch Steam > Right click Valheim and Open Properties
- Select the Betas tab and select from the drop down "default_old - Previous stable"
- After reverting and updating your inventory will still be missing
- Launch Valheim > Go to the character in question > Select "manage saves"
- Choose the drop down carrot of the character in question and restore from the 2nd from the top file listed.
- There may be some slight data loss depending how long ago the save was but this should get your inventory back to "hopefully" its previous state or close to it
This is just a temporary fix and reverts back to the update before today. Hope this helps anyone else having this issue!
Edit: Hmm.. looks like you already tried all that.
9:13 pm, March 19, 2023