Barred with a Bar

Let's see... I can take iron armor, iron weapons, iron nails and basically ANYTHING iron through a portal. However, if it happens to be in the form of a "bar" I can't step through the portal. Yep, that makes sense.
8:13 pm, April 21, 2023
Storm 0 comments 0 likes

pipo.p replied to Barred with a Bar April 22, 2023 @ 10:48:16 am PDT

What would have made sense, indeed, in regard of some other fantasy settings, is to make raw metal incompatible with the use of eitr and portals. Exception could be silver or exotic metals (like the werewolf/vampire/faery vulnerability). But forbidding most metal-made items would have been too much a constraint, and then players should rejoice to be able to bring with swords and armor, instead of comparing nails with ingots, imo.

However, now that we have those settings, perhaps there will be another one for portals: Allow all - Restrict ingots (as currently) - Restrict metal
8:13 pm, April 22, 2023
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Rhapsody replied to Barred with a Bar April 22, 2023 @ 12:07:05 pm PDT

Originally posted by pipo.p:
What would have made sense, indeed, in regard of some other fantasy settings, is to make raw metal incompatible with the use of eitr and portals. Exception could be silver or exotic metals (like the werewolf/vampire/faery vulnerability). But forbidding most metal-made items would have been too much a constraint, and then players should rejoice to be able to bring with swords and armor, instead of comparing nails with ingots, imo.

Would work if it wasn't so easy to build a smelter and if it wasn't possible to extract complete ingots from certain places like frost caves.

You can just headcanon it so that ingots are still considered "raw" or "unowned" enough that they cannot pass through portals. Need to work them into actually usable shape first, same way as teleporting anything on a person like their clothing and other possessions works (the way I see it anyway).

But the actual reason is still, of course, gameplay and exploration. Ship your metals during night and you'll find basically free serpent meat or even trophies.
8:13 pm, April 22, 2023
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Storm replied to Barred with a Bar April 22, 2023 @ 8:40:28 am PDT

What stvlerpore said haha. Happy to hear about mods/new features for tuning. Indeed everyone has their own style of play.
5:13 pm, April 22, 2023
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Renlish replied to Barred with a Bar April 21, 2023 @ 4:00:54 pm PDT

Yeah, that's the one thing I've always agreed doesn't make sense at all. Other magical items shouldn't be able to portal (maybe boss trophies or magic weapons, etc) as that would make more sense, but metal ores should be simply by virtue of the fact that you're literally wearing the stuff in refined form anyway. It's the one thing I've always switched off in QoL mods. Glad they're putting in the option to turn this off soon.
11:13 pm, April 21, 2023
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stvlepore replied to Barred with a Bar April 21, 2023 @ 4:06:56 pm PDT

Walking back and forth along the same path hardly counts as exploring. I explored to find the copper etc, now let me get it back to base in less than 8 trips.
11:13 pm, April 21, 2023
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Flare |UKCS| replied to Barred with a Bar April 21, 2023 @ 11:54:22 am PDT

Incoming patch will sort this out for you, a way to tweak your game to how you want.

The idea is to make players use boats and explore, rather than just portal everywhere... makes sense to me, theres a whole world and boats, and players want to live in one place and just take resources back home.
8:13 pm, April 21, 2023
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sarteck replied to Barred with a Bar April 21, 2023 @ 11:59:57 am PDT

I still play with portals on default settings, but if OP wants to check them out, there are several mods that have been out that you can use in case you don't want to wait for the feature to be implemented in the vanilla game. They range from eliminating portal restrictions entirely to some that have you construct special portals or "pay" to transport certain items. There's a lot more portal mods, as well; some that allow you to connect to any portal without having to rename them, so on and so forth. If it's really that big of an issue for you, check out what those mods can do for you. (Or wait, but we have no idea how long the wait will be.)

Originally posted by Flare |UKCS|:
Incoming patch will sort this out for you, a way to tweak your game to how you want.

The idea is to make players use boats and explore, rather than just portal everywhere... makes sense to me, theres a whole world and boats, and players want to live in one place and just take resources back home.
The gameplay aspect of it makes sense. The actual logic of it, as OP indicted, does not.
8:13 pm, April 21, 2023
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Quintium replied to Barred with a Bar April 21, 2023 @ 12:58:57 pm PDT

Originally posted by sarteck:
The gameplay aspect of it makes sense. The actual logic of it, as OP indicted, does not.

Here is how I see it. Just my opinion, so maybe doesn't make sense to you.

When forging items at a workstations, you also work in magic to bypass the portals restrictions. Basically give it a little creativity,

For real, it has been expressed it was a compromise between devs. They could had gone with no portals at all.

In the end, don't like it, the future coming change with options will make it your choice.
8:13 pm, April 21, 2023
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sarteck replied to Barred with a Bar April 21, 2023 @ 1:05:22 pm PDT

Originally posted by Quintium:
In the end, don't like it, the future coming change with options will make it your choice.
I like the attempt to try to restrict things so that more exploration can take place, and I personally have always and will likely continue to play with regular portal rules. I think that instead of doing it like they did, they could have went with something that makes a little more sense. Perhaps limiting the amount of portals one could make, or making it so that destruction of a portal doesn't give materials back once it's active, or really any number of other things.

[EDIT] I am, in fact, preparing to do a modded server that doesn't allow players to build portals at all. (Although as Admin, I do plan to reward [very sparingly] portals for certain achievement in game.)
8:13 pm, April 21, 2023
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