This game has been a great deal; cost per hour played

I always find it interesting how many players 'demand' more out of any given EA game; and just to reiterate we are talking about EA games.

There is always a flood of posts decrying that "I finished the game, now what?" and "Why has there been no new content drops in <x> amount of time?" with things ultimately spiraling to the inevitable "The game is dead" and "The developers have skipped with the cash".

There are a number of reasons content might be slow in coming, it is after all an EA game. And revenue stream does not equate to increased production ability. I could offer several RL business scenarios, but that is neither-here-nor-there.

The one point I do want to make is, at least for me, regardless of what comes of the game (and I only hope for the best) I have already gotten an absolutely great deal out of this game.

I purchased it for 20 USD as soon as it entered EA and had no real expectations. I was doing it more to support the development as I liked the idea of what the game could become. What I got was a very polished EA game that I played for 230 hours right off.

230 hours for 20 USD; basically 9 cents per hour of entertainment.

I have not played since those first few weeks and will probably start another game soon, but regardless I have already gotten far more than I paid for or expected.

Just saying...
12:13 am, February 8, 2022
Eightball 0 comments 0 likes