71 in game days...
...in between deaths. A Valheim record for me. I last died on day 6 doing something stupid and then lasted until day 77 doing something well uhmm stupid. Here's my story.
The seed I am on had a huge starter island and it just connected to another large but slightly smaller island via a strait where in I found not only the trader (yay me) but a stretch of swamp. To my dismay it had only 1 crypt. Having achieved my goal of raising most skills to 40 (the ones that I wanted to)and killling the Elder I cleared it out and got around 80 ores. Mind you I am wearing t4 troll armor because I was able to sneak into the mountains on the beginner isle and snatch some obsidian all while taking out a couple wolves and drakes as well. In need of more iron I build a Karve and set sail east. This is where it gets interesting. The morning I left I filled my belly with sausage, deer stew and carrot soup. I was not expecting much action. Well the wind was not cooperating that day and I was drifting for a while. Finally I saw some land coming. I headed for it but then saw in the far distance northwest what I thought was a Leviathan. Now as I stated in another thread I was playing with the knife this run and I knew I needed chitin to make the razor as the copper knife wasn't too great on Draugrs. I turn the boat and once again facing the wind drift until the wind hits my back. Finally I get the tailwind and head toward the Sea beast which actually turned out to be a much larger swamp. I tried to find a safe place to dock but either this is a swamp only island or a large peninsula. Now any rational person would have sailed away as night was coming and the swamp is a horrible place to dock but I still had time on my food and while my rested bonus was wearing down I decided to quickly dock and make a portal. However as I jumped off the boat I was immediately poisoned by a leech. Then I got attacked by 2 Draugr. I ran around the little land mass I was on but then a Draugr Elite decided to join in the fight. With about 12hp left I was able to outrun them. My rested bonus left me and I was able to use a tasty mead to build up some stamina because the elite was hot on my tail. The wet debuff was hurting my stamina regen so thinking I had a bigger lead on the Draugrs than I actually did I said lets use Eikthyrs buff to help me. I click the button for the buff, funny thing about that buff is you stop get lifted airborne as it casts which I usually love seeing, and when that happened the Elite took advantage and sliced me in mid air... Dead. Portal contents on my corpse on a different hostile island. So what does one do in this situation? Well I built a new Karve put on my T1 root armor jumped in the boat with no inventory as I wanted to be able to loot my corpse as fast as possible if need be and set off. Got back to the Swamp island night comes due to wind not helping and my food has expired so I have 25hp While trying to dock somewhere close to my corpse a Wraith one shots me. 2 deaths in 2 days. Yup that's more like me.
TLDR I love this game.
The seed I am on had a huge starter island and it just connected to another large but slightly smaller island via a strait where in I found not only the trader (yay me) but a stretch of swamp. To my dismay it had only 1 crypt. Having achieved my goal of raising most skills to 40 (the ones that I wanted to)and killling the Elder I cleared it out and got around 80 ores. Mind you I am wearing t4 troll armor because I was able to sneak into the mountains on the beginner isle and snatch some obsidian all while taking out a couple wolves and drakes as well. In need of more iron I build a Karve and set sail east. This is where it gets interesting. The morning I left I filled my belly with sausage, deer stew and carrot soup. I was not expecting much action. Well the wind was not cooperating that day and I was drifting for a while. Finally I saw some land coming. I headed for it but then saw in the far distance northwest what I thought was a Leviathan. Now as I stated in another thread I was playing with the knife this run and I knew I needed chitin to make the razor as the copper knife wasn't too great on Draugrs. I turn the boat and once again facing the wind drift until the wind hits my back. Finally I get the tailwind and head toward the Sea beast which actually turned out to be a much larger swamp. I tried to find a safe place to dock but either this is a swamp only island or a large peninsula. Now any rational person would have sailed away as night was coming and the swamp is a horrible place to dock but I still had time on my food and while my rested bonus was wearing down I decided to quickly dock and make a portal. However as I jumped off the boat I was immediately poisoned by a leech. Then I got attacked by 2 Draugr. I ran around the little land mass I was on but then a Draugr Elite decided to join in the fight. With about 12hp left I was able to outrun them. My rested bonus left me and I was able to use a tasty mead to build up some stamina because the elite was hot on my tail. The wet debuff was hurting my stamina regen so thinking I had a bigger lead on the Draugrs than I actually did I said lets use Eikthyrs buff to help me. I click the button for the buff, funny thing about that buff is you stop get lifted airborne as it casts which I usually love seeing, and when that happened the Elite took advantage and sliced me in mid air... Dead. Portal contents on my corpse on a different hostile island. So what does one do in this situation? Well I built a new Karve put on my T1 root armor jumped in the boat with no inventory as I wanted to be able to loot my corpse as fast as possible if need be and set off. Got back to the Swamp island night comes due to wind not helping and my food has expired so I have 25hp While trying to dock somewhere close to my corpse a Wraith one shots me. 2 deaths in 2 days. Yup that's more like me.
TLDR I love this game.
2:13 am, April 7, 2022
Hondo replied to 71 in game days... April 7, 2022 @ 12:06:06 pm PDT
Good story. The game can be a little unforgiving at times for sure. I'm not as far along as you guys, but I did have to laugh at myself the other day when I died twice, in less than 5 minutes, cutting down a couple of trees on a hill side. LOL
8:13 pm, April 7, 2022
ShaftAlmighty replied to 71 in game days... April 7, 2022 @ 12:20:34 pm PDT
I love these stories but for the love of Odin BREAK UP THESE WALLS OF TEXTS!
8:13 pm, April 7, 2022
TangoBlue replied to 71 in game days... April 6, 2022 @ 5:27:24 pm PDT
Great story!
I'm not laughing at you. I love it when someone dies because of overconfidence. Lets me know that I'm not alone in dying that way.
Just happened to me, got into a fight with a 2 Star Fuling and thinking I could take him out no problem even though my hp was very low...I was mistaken...again...
I'm not laughing at you. I love it when someone dies because of overconfidence. Lets me know that I'm not alone in dying that way.
Just happened to me, got into a fight with a 2 Star Fuling and thinking I could take him out no problem even though my hp was very low...I was mistaken...again...
2:13 am, April 7, 2022
Skylar replied to 71 in game days... April 6, 2022 @ 6:54:42 pm PDT
Hahaha thats awesome!! Good Job! :D
Yep we all been there, done that :P
Yep we all been there, done that :P
2:13 am, April 7, 2022