Why did they make all the bosses so easy

going through the mistlands with a fresh character ive noticed that the biome bosses are so weak before this patch it took ages to pass bone mass and yagluth but now we did each in under an hour

i feel that these guys are there to slow progression so i think they should be a little harder
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
Generalfoxz 0 comments 0 likes

Generalfoxz replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 13, 2022 @ 1:52:37 pm PST

Originally posted by Darpmasta_gaming:
Originally posted by Generalfoxz:
going through the mistlands with a fresh character ive noticed that the biome bosses are so weak before this patch it took ages to pass bone mass and yagluth but now we did each in under an hour

i feel that these guys are there to slow progression so i think they should be a little harder
Is it easier to make an engine with or without experience? Answer that then re-think.

i do get that having experience and doing it before makes a task easier but standing right next to the enemy with no dodge rolls no moving at all and mashing my mouse button doesnt seem like something an experienced person does over a newbie tbh . If i had to run around our prepare in any way id say fair call but i summoned bonemass walked up to him and just stood next to him swinging while i soaked up his attacks his poison did nothing compared to what has been previously
6:13 am, December 14, 2022
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i have 2023 vision fear me replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 7:17:28 am PST

This game's difficulty is mostly set on preparation pretty much, much more than other games. Compared to Terraria where a fight with, for example, skeletron on mastermode, is still really hard even if it's your 5th time fighting him with all the best loot and arena preparation. That's probably why the most enjoyment you'd get from a game like this is your first time playing. They just need to add good difficulty settings be it sliders or a set difficulty, so boss fights like bonemass's aren't made trivial with just a potion and mace.
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Generalfoxz replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 2:02:06 pm PST

i Couldnt say that the bosses were very well balanced as this time around with the food and bronze armor. my brother and i just stood next to him taking every hit and smacking him with our iron hammers there was no need to dodge.
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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LastChime replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 2:21:35 pm PST

Originally posted by Generalfoxz:
i Couldnt say that the bosses were very well balanced as this time around with the food and bronze armor. my brother and i just stood next to him taking every hit and smacking him with our iron hammers there was no need to dodge.

Typically the iron hammer is unavailable until after bonemass is slain now.
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Vexov replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 3:11:41 pm PST

I've done much playthroughs. Always 100% fresh with no abusing or exploiting of any such (I run back to corpse and sail my haul home).

I've done self hardcore mode, not really that bad if you're upgrading gear (Still, i always skip bronze and silver armors tho). Root armor isn't worth the trouble and time. Fenris (fur) isn't worth the likely very large time consumption, because there is hardly any dungeons for it (or maybe it is really cheap to make, i don't think it was). Farming is hardly even worth the fraking time. By the time you got the veggies coming in at a rate equal or greater then consumption you can be already 2 tiers ahead.

I did see that Mistlands recipes take older foods tho. Sadly they STILL won't let you grown a good deal of things. Also, lets not forget how stupid it is that your max HP and stam is in decline as soon as you eat the damn food (they got it backwards, and nobody wants either way). With 1/3 the time left you're already fraking basically missing 1/2 your stats. Having to Eat with around 10mins still to freaking go!!.

Deer boss you just murder on day 1 with a torches. This is freaking sad. More sad considering it wield lightning. Probably just carry multiple bone-picks till you get iron (yep skip bronze cause you can repair a a quick-built-workbench-shack).

Tree Boss ... i guess burn. Probably can just rush this guy with nothing but torches too. Likely needs a boat tho. The opening between his attacks are just asking for a elbow to the chest, torches with sad-food buffs will work fine.

Bonemass seemed to be nerfed. He hardly summons anything to the point of why bother. He was easy enough before. I only heard of fools having trouble with him (using arrows, no blunt, no healing or poison resist). He summoned 3 skeletons after over a dozen throws, this time.

Moder is just gonna be trash forever. Even Bethesda does dragons better.

Yag, I had constant adds this time, it made for a much more interesting fight when even fraking Lox's are joining the fight. Yag might be the only good fight ... unless you're going to shoot 600 arrows into him... or he gets stuck.

Still doing Mistlands.

Players should need to step into a portal taking you to the boss stage. Probably best to require materials to open the portal, rather then some pedestal ppl abuse inside. Prevent pets to enter. Preventing building.

The only scary biomes is Mountain (cause the wolves are insane, more so 2-star). The Mistland is freaking good combat too, but the tight and rough terrain and the mist snuggles to close to your camera/vision. Sad, cause the mistlands look beautiful.

Another problem is only being able grow select plants only in certain biomes.

Also will say it is annoying to have to use certain weapon types. I've never been a fan of blunt weapons, but I feel stuck with them till mid-late game so not to waste materials/time.
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Darpmasta_gaming replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 3:21:39 pm PST

Originally posted by Generalfoxz:
going through the mistlands with a fresh character ive noticed that the biome bosses are so weak before this patch it took ages to pass bone mass and yagluth but now we did each in under an hour

i feel that these guys are there to slow progression so i think they should be a little harder
Is it easier to make an engine with or without experience? Answer that then re-think.
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Kalysm replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 3:35:58 pm PST

Started a fresh world on Beta then moved it to normal. Got to Bonemass last night wearing t4 iron armor and using t4 mace. Pre cleared the area and once morning hit I engaged. Took all of 4 minutes just bashing when he aoed poison. Ran around the Cauldron a couple times killing the adds. Used 1 stamina and 2 Heal potions along with the initial Poison one. Felt real easy. But like others said experience may have played a role here. Not sure. Only second time I killed him and the first was a long while ago wearing t3 silver and mountain food pre H&H. Oh BTW I ate Turnip stew, Sausages and Deer Stew for this time.
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Hiryukaen replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 1:36:33 am PST

That's part of the "I didnt know how to play vs now I understand how to play"

I spoiled myself looking up info before I fought Bonemass my first time. Knowing the spoilers and being prepared made it a complete breeze.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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The_Penance replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 1:41:43 am PST

When the game came out even if you knew how to beat the boss it still wasn't easy. The bosses have been nerfed three times since release? i'm not sure why they did it but its just depressing
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Generalfoxz replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 1:45:02 am PST

Yeah i feel that as Penance says i had a similar experience where i read that they were weak against. i had silver armor as i went up to the mountains and just found a silver vein before having the stick and yet it still took my brother and i hours to kill bonemass.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Ren replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 1:45:05 am PST

Originally posted by Hiryukaen:
That's part of the "I didnt know how to play vs now I understand how to play"

I spoiled myself looking up info before I fought Bonemass my first time. Knowing the spoilers and being prepared made it a complete breeze.
Did Bonemass the "right" way the first time, and we were all joking about how we felt bad for bullying the poor old jellysack. Well, the second time around, we got cocky, forgot how to do the fight, and it took like 20 minutes and one of us died. Oops. I think OP just got gud and is now upset about it
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Erebus replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 1:56:20 am PST

yeah man the bosses in this game definitely need a rework like they're just not a threat at all they get like 3 moves each that are just so easy to dodge that and the ai they use is way to dumb gotta say the worst thing about this game is definitely bosses just not fun at all valheim in itself is a very fun game but the bosses in this game leave so much to be desired
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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fiese Fee™ replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 2:00:08 am PST

Imho, all is easy in this game when you know what you do.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Genoscythe replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 6:21:35 am PST

Bosses are pretty much all about the right damage type, is it made of bones? Blunt! Does it have hide? Pierce! Neither of both? Slash! Which makes the whole weapon variety kinda pointless, especially since dual type weapons exist, but fighting bonemass with a bow vs. fighting it with an iron mace is a world of a difference.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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ShiZniTe replied to Why did they make all the bosses so easy December 12, 2022 @ 6:50:27 am PST

bruh you cant even punch all the bosses to death, wearing no armor and using no foods? git gud bruh...
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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