Taming and respawn mechanic

So i'm trying to tame 2 lox
i dragged them out of their spawning ground, then pitfall them
unfortunately they don't seem to be able to go out of the plains "themselves" and will force run back to the plains
in any case, i have them aclimitizing now after much struggle and them escaping multiple times
but then the question pop ups

what happen to their original spawning ground? do they still spawn new lox after the current 2 loxes are "killed" by successful taming?

same thing with boars really, never tried taming boars so i'm wondering on the whole mechanic.
If i'm aiming for their material, would it be just simpler and less hassle to hunt them and wait for respawn? the taming waiting is just horrible :/
5:13 am, September 8, 2022
Spartaclauz 0 comments 0 likes

knighttemplar1960 replied to Taming and respawn mechanic September 8, 2022 @ 7:42:43 am PDT

I have a meadows base that deer occasionally respawn inside of.
5:13 pm, September 8, 2022
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Spartaclauz replied to Taming and respawn mechanic September 8, 2022 @ 5:52:23 am PDT

Originally posted by Renlish:
Once you get a lox farm going, it's meat and rugs for days!

I tamed them just by running through, dropping food and running away again. They chase you for a bit but then go back to where they were and they eat. If you have a base or build one within the vague vicinity of where they are, you can just keep feeding them until they're tame. (Pro-tip: don't immediately run back to your base if they're chasing you. LOL) Then you can ride or push them to whatever area you want to keep them in. You don't need to do lock them up anywhere to tame them.

I have a meadow base that is at the foot of a mountain with a long, thin patch of plains between. The plains had four lox that spawned in that area so we did drive-by cloudberry and barley drops. Once they were tamed I just pushed them both down the hill into my base and quickly walled them into a big paddock. Now I've got between 20-30 at any time. I love my babies.

Boars are a different story, you need to catch them and pen them in so you can feed them and tame them easily - they're a pain to move if they're tame and not penned in. Just build a pen with a door, go scare one and let it chase you into the pen, then quickly close the door and feed. Done.

Have fun!

Yeah i'm also tempted by the easiness of harvesting tamed Lox
i did think about the drive by method, but if i'm not nearby the aclimitizing% won't increase, and ends up wasting the cloudberry
my situation is also similar, with thin strips of plain beside meadow and swamp, have 2 lox which i wanted to tame

but in any case the question still stands, now that the 2 lox have been tamed and brought to base, away from the spawning spot. will new loxes appear since none are there anymore? @_@
2:13 pm, September 8, 2022
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Happy replied to Taming and respawn mechanic September 8, 2022 @ 6:08:44 am PDT

The taming is worth it for the long run, especially Lox & Wolves. If you kill all the Lox, fret not, they respawn, usually in small herds of 3 or 4 so you can tame more later if needed.

Boar are good early on for food & leather, so if you find a 1 or 2 star boar try to capture them first, they drop heaps more material when you butcher them, but they need to be contained first. I suggest building a sturdy stake wall style pen to keep them penned in, as it is less likely to break from the boars attacking it when they are still aggro'd after capture. Just thow them some berries or mushrooms & they will pipe down after a bit & begin to tame up.

With Lox, I either sneak up to them & evade after dropping berries for them but also stay within a certain range so that I can see them taming, Or, Stand up on one of the large rocks in the plains (also in sneak mode) and drop berries for them and just wait it out I find best.
2:13 pm, September 8, 2022
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Zeppion replied to Taming and respawn mechanic September 7, 2022 @ 10:33:00 pm PDT

The spawning ground takes into account how many creatures are in that area. If there's no more lox around, then yes, they will respawn.
Breeding lox is kind of like a "pet project". The idea is to make a stable next to your farm so they breed while you're taking care of other chores.
8:13 am, September 8, 2022
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Renlish replied to Taming and respawn mechanic September 8, 2022 @ 12:31:41 am PDT

Once you get a lox farm going, it's meat and rugs for days!

I tamed them just by running through, dropping food and running away again. They chase you for a bit but then go back to where they were and they eat. If you have a base or build one within the vague vicinity of where they are, you can just keep feeding them until they're tame. (Pro-tip: don't immediately run back to your base if they're chasing you. LOL) Then you can ride or push them to whatever area you want to keep them in. You don't need to do lock them up anywhere to tame them.

I have a meadow base that is at the foot of a mountain with a long, thin patch of plains between. The plains had four lox that spawned in that area so we did drive-by cloudberry and barley drops. Once they were tamed I just pushed them both down the hill into my base and quickly walled them into a big paddock. Now I've got between 20-30 at any time. I love my babies.

Boars are a different story, you need to catch them and pen them in so you can feed them and tame them easily - they're a pain to move if they're tame and not penned in. Just build a pen with a door, go scare one and let it chase you into the pen, then quickly close the door and feed. Done.

Have fun!
8:13 am, September 8, 2022
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