Forum Rules and Guidelines - Read Before Posting!
⚔️ Welcome to Valheim! 🐝
We see you found your way to the forums. Please follow appropriate forum etiquette and the rules below and we will all have a good time!Rules
- Please post in English. Non-English posts will be deleted.
- Be constructive, respectful and polite. Discriminatory speech and hate speech (e.g. racism, sexism, homophobia, slurs) will not be tolerated.
- Duplicate threads, off-topic posts, clickbait or misleading titles, crude rants and religious, political, and other "prone to huge arguments" threads are not allowed.
- Do not be intentionally unhelpful, provide false information (also considered Trolling) and flamebait, or intentionally disagree with others to cause an argument.
- Do not post porn, inappropriate, offensive content, warez or leaked content or anything else not safe for work.
- Do not backseat moderate or engage with rule breakers, use the report button instead.
- Do not spam, beg, advertise or post links to unrelated websites.
- Do not discuss or advocate illegal activities.
- Everyone must also abide by Steam's Rules and Guidelines.
No rules-lawyering.
These rules are not comprehensive, so please use common sense and do not attempt to find loopholes to violate the spirit of the rules or nitpick the wording of a rule in response to the moderators if they ask you to stop doing something. Any moderator has the ability to ban a user for violating the rules at their discretion.Should you observe a fellow community member breaking these rules, please report the post by clicking the report button located in the upper right corner of each post (becomes visible by hovering over the post). Thank you!
Here a non-exhaustive guide containing further details for the curious or outraged:
To make it as easy as possible for developers and us moderators to distinguish questions, bug reports, suggestions and to keep the forums as tidy as possible, we kindly ask that you please post in the correct subforum.- General Discussions ➜ VisitDiscuss your experiences with other players, ask questions about gameplay, share your opinion, etc.
- Bugs & Technical Issues ➜ VisitHave you run into a bug or does your game keep crashing? Post here if you have technical issues! Please use the search function before posting to avoid double posts.
- Suggestions & Ideas ➜ VisitYou have a cool idea for the game? Post it here! Please use the search function to avoid double posts and read the subforum rules before posting!
- Looking For Group ➜ VisitLooking for someone to play with? Come this way! Please read the subforum rules before posting!
- Public Test Feedback ➜ VisitIf you have played Valheim's Public Test Version and want to give feedback (questions, issues, concerns, suggestions, etc) please post it in this subforum!
Useful Links
If you want to be more up to date with development and other stuff we do then consider checking out our other social media!Thank you and see you in the worlds of Valheim!
2:13 pm, May 31, 2022