Oil Blobs can be a problem.
When you get more than two of them they can create situation where you might as well unplug your keyboard and throw it though a window because you don't have the control to to do anything and you just have to sit back and enjoy it.
The problem is just too many abilities.
Ranged knock back, ranged snare, long distance hop. The poison can be dealt with using a pot, but two or more of them and the spit attack pushes you too far away to melee them, the snare means you can't close on them or get away, so you either manage to bow them down or die.
There's good and bad difficulty, putting players in a position where they have no agency to live or die on their own merits isn't the good kind.
The problem is just too many abilities.
Ranged knock back, ranged snare, long distance hop. The poison can be dealt with using a pot, but two or more of them and the spit attack pushes you too far away to melee them, the snare means you can't close on them or get away, so you either manage to bow them down or die.
There's good and bad difficulty, putting players in a position where they have no agency to live or die on their own merits isn't the good kind.
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
ECHOxxONE replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 24, 2021 @ 6:21:52 am PDT
When you get more than two of them they can create situation where you might as well unplug your keyboard and throw it though a window because you don't have the control to to do anything and you just have to sit back and enjoy it.
The problem is just too many abilities.
Ranged knock back, ranged snare, long distance hop. The poison can be dealt with using a pot, but two or more of them and the spit attack pushes you too far away to melee them, the snare means you can't close on them or get away, so you either manage to bow them down or die.
There's good and bad difficulty, putting players in a position where they have no agency to live or die on their own merits isn't the good kind.
Throw your keyboard threw a window indicates more internal problems with yourself them the game, lack of self control and whatever else is going on in real life. Maybe deal with real life stuff first then play a game if your the type of person to yell out loud and destroy stuff in a rage when you die.
Second, learn proper combat mechanics, take time to learn. Third, use a bow and kite them backwards and kill them on your own and or kite them into fulings and or lox to help aid you. Like I said take time to learn how things work and its not bad at all. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult, however its a game and thus should be.
5:13 pm, October 24, 2021
the_hip_cat replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 24, 2021 @ 8:40:08 am PDT
Long range sniping with a bow is the way I dealt with them. I can usually one shot them this way.
If I couldn't do that (terrain, ect), I'd kite Lox or something to them, or kite them to a place I could safely plink at them. Perched on a stone with an edge I can hide behind is best. Always scout out for a place first, then kite.
Barring everything else, a buckler and dodging. There is a lag between them firing their poo at me, and loading the next. Kite them a bit away. Usually causes one to lag behind. Turn, dodge poo, run up and beat the hell out of the closest one. I can usually off one with just one round of beatings. Run away before poo, rinse repeat.
Once you've cleared out the pit, they usually take some time to respawn. Plenty of time to drain and get what you need. Even if you're slow, like me, in doing it all.
All that said, I feel they are a bit OP at the moment. Poison and slow, combined with their firing range and agro range, is a bit too much. Something needs some pretty big adjustment on them. Maybe even some abilities removed.
If I couldn't do that (terrain, ect), I'd kite Lox or something to them, or kite them to a place I could safely plink at them. Perched on a stone with an edge I can hide behind is best. Always scout out for a place first, then kite.
Barring everything else, a buckler and dodging. There is a lag between them firing their poo at me, and loading the next. Kite them a bit away. Usually causes one to lag behind. Turn, dodge poo, run up and beat the hell out of the closest one. I can usually off one with just one round of beatings. Run away before poo, rinse repeat.
Once you've cleared out the pit, they usually take some time to respawn. Plenty of time to drain and get what you need. Even if you're slow, like me, in doing it all.
All that said, I feel they are a bit OP at the moment. Poison and slow, combined with their firing range and agro range, is a bit too much. Something needs some pretty big adjustment on them. Maybe even some abilities removed.
5:13 pm, October 24, 2021
jonnin replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 10:15:23 pm PDT
got a bow?
3 at once is about all I can manage even shooting them. but they thankfully have low HP, 1 arrow from stealth or 2 in the face each. strafe to avoid the shots best as you can.
3 at once is about all I can manage even shooting them. but they thankfully have low HP, 1 arrow from stealth or 2 in the face each. strafe to avoid the shots best as you can.
8:13 am, October 24, 2021
MarcoPants replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 10:30:41 pm PDT
I'll just be over here then fighting five at once with nothing more than iron armor and sword, no poison resist, and still manage to evade their attacks just fine if I get tarred because there's a helpful little mechanic called
dodge rolling
that isn't affected by being tarred (at least not that I've noticed)
8:13 am, October 24, 2021
jonnin replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 10:43:42 pm PDT
yea yea ... getting too old for the arcade game reflexes here.
if they do change anything, maybe the game's generation algorithm that stuffs 3-4 pits in a 20 foot radius could stand adjusting. Or not. OP, maybe avoid large groups of pits until you can handle it? Practice on the smaller ones that have only 2 blobs.
if they do change anything, maybe the game's generation algorithm that stuffs 3-4 pits in a 20 foot radius could stand adjusting. Or not. OP, maybe avoid large groups of pits until you can handle it? Practice on the smaller ones that have only 2 blobs.
8:13 am, October 24, 2021
Halfdan replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 11:21:36 pm PDT
Fire arrows.
I take on those Tar blobs over a 2 star Goblin with spear any day :D
I take on those Tar blobs over a 2 star Goblin with spear any day :D
8:13 am, October 24, 2021
Lucidess replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 24, 2021 @ 12:14:32 am PDT
Next time you see something that's about to shoot projectiles straight at you, strafe their attack, and continue to circle around them to find an opening to attack. They do not track your movement ahead of time, they have a long cooldown inbetween attacks. You don't have to circle around them constantly in one direction, but it certainly helps if you don't want to get hit. Expect to never get hit with this strategy, ranged or melee it shouldn't matter.
And this is basic game knowledge that can be applied to literally any projectile in any video game. Hell, real life too, why not.
And this is basic game knowledge that can be applied to literally any projectile in any video game. Hell, real life too, why not.
8:13 am, October 24, 2021
loppantorkel replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 24, 2021 @ 1:06:17 am PDT
I believe oil blobs are supposed to be a problem. They're an enemy, and yes they do have several abilities that pose issues to the player. Otoh Lox and Fulings are enemies to blobs too. There are enough factors that make the blobs manageable, imho.
8:13 am, October 24, 2021
Ryzilynt replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 5:46:23 pm PDT
I forget how I was able to drain all those tar pits without throwing my keyboard through the window. I just know that it was possible because now I have bunches of tar and no broken windows.
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
Sprocket66 replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 5:46:54 pm PDT
They do need adjusted. The agro range is a bit high. And the ability to perma stunlock you if there are more than one is a bit extreme. Especially when it's just to get a resource that is mainly cosmetic. I've died to them many times more often than to the fulings or anything else.
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
TheQuixote replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 6:28:42 pm PDT
I forget how I was able to drain all those tar pits without throwing my keyboard through the window.
Not saying they can't be dealt with. It's just that there are some random situations where they can put you in stun lock and once in that stun lock the game play is "limiited."
Terrain forcing you to get too close to get a shot off, AI interactions with other mobs, etc. And they seem immune to sneaking as well, although haven't tested that much since getting caught by them puts you into that "limited" options situation.
Get hung up on one little thing and they catch you, snare you, and then it's down hill.
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
Ryzilynt replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 6:44:00 pm PDT
Seems like they probably err'ed on the side of difficulty given that it's end game, and it's the only new mob they added. But I get it.
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
Happy replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 6:47:13 pm PDT
Very dangerous to try, but you could try to kite a group of Lox or a fuling camp over to them, and watch them all kill each other...?
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
_I_ replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 7:35:45 pm PDT
yea, the tar blobs can see you and strike from a mile away
get 2 of them agro'd and you are pretty much screwed, try to get behind cover and fire arrows at them as they land
even lox are a tough match for more than 2 of them
get 2 of them agro'd and you are pretty much screwed, try to get behind cover and fire arrows at them as they land
even lox are a tough match for more than 2 of them
5:13 am, October 24, 2021
iKyriousi replied to Oil Blobs can be a problem. October 23, 2021 @ 9:18:07 pm PDT
They're my least favorite enemy type but with my strategy I don't have many issues. I'd like to see them nerfed so they're not as annoying but I'd rather have something to ward off enemies at my plains base. I have walls but I do get tired of listening to mobs around my base after they break my 20 workbenches.
5:13 am, October 24, 2021