Weird glitch with portal!

2 of my players on my Nitrado server have had an issue with portals today. They are in the Mistlands and placed a portal. They left the area and the person who placed could not teleport to the new portal. They walked back to the new portal and the other player could se the ortal which was active, the player who place the portal can see a destroyed portal in the same place. The origanal player placed another portal, now the other player can see 2 portals, both same name and both active. 1 of the players is also experiencing random disconnects.
11:13 am, April 19, 2023
Karl 0 comments 0 likes

Cap'n Bells replied to Weird glitch with portal! April 19, 2023 @ 5:38:08 am PDT

"1 of the players is also experiencing random disconnects." this seems imho the cause of the issues... i guess if you or the server admin go look you will discover 2 portals possibly in perfect order.. but not the disconnecting dude..GL
2:13 pm, April 19, 2023
0 comments 0 likes