I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints

A deer was running by, and I took a swing at it, and unfortunately I didn't hit the deer but I did hit the raven. Lol. Bit of a bumbling start for a hero.

Are there any consequences to this?
3:13 pm, January 31, 2023
Dumbledood 0 comments 0 likes

Faceplant8 replied to I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints January 31, 2023 @ 7:59:21 am PST

Not entirely related, but I saw a greydwarf kill a bird the other day. I didn't think there was any way to kill a bird other than with a bow, but there was the greydwarf with a puff of feathers around it, and a pile of feathers on the ground when I went to investigate.

It could be that they just happened to spawn at the same spot and the greydrwarf won the contest for the space, but it seemed to be too close to me to be a spawn location.
6:13 pm, January 31, 2023
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Xenomorph replied to I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints January 30, 2023 @ 10:43:05 pm PST

yes you mite like it

Originally posted by Dumbledood:
A deer was running by, and I took a swing at it, and unfortunately I didn't hit the deer but I did hit the raven. Lol. Bit of a bumbling start for a hero.

Are there any consequences to this?
yes you mite like it ;)
3:13 pm, January 31, 2023
0 comments 0 likes

Azure replied to I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints January 30, 2023 @ 10:52:13 pm PST

I wish i didn't talk to it after i saw it in the hotub then i could have had a Raven in a hot tun forever
3:13 pm, January 31, 2023
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Zathabar replied to I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints January 31, 2023 @ 6:04:54 am PST

Originally posted by Angrybeard:
You did well.
Amen and even further:

Lo and their were two ravens the first was Hugin the second was know as
"Arbalest Practice"

As a tutorial gimmick the're fine but the option to turn them OFF needs to be much more obvious and prominent and like available on their first manifestation!

EDIT on reflection Please make this a Steam/Game achievement!
3:13 pm, January 31, 2023
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RequiemsRose replied to I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints January 31, 2023 @ 6:40:18 am PST

No consequence. i personally enjoy punching Hugin every once in a while, sometimes it seems to be the only way he actually leaves even after you talk to him.
3:13 pm, January 31, 2023
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FissionChips replied to I accidentally smacked the raven giving me hints January 30, 2023 @ 10:38:51 pm PST

Hitting the raven seems to give skill points, same as hitting an enemy. This is probably a bug.
3:13 pm, January 31, 2023
0 comments 0 likes