iv see death?
over 300 hours of game play iv never see seen death before,,,,,,
as any body els
as any body els
6:13 pm, January 1, 2022
TooTall1 replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 11:55:54 am PST
Are you referring to this image? It is as close to "Death" as I can see in the game. over 300 hours of game play iv never see seen death before,,,,,,
as any body els
3:14 am, January 2, 2022
ShaftAlmighty replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 11:59:12 am PST
That's Odin, looking in on your progress.
3:14 am, January 2, 2022
Gwenx replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 12:24:02 pm PST
For the fist comment.. I have only died twice, and both was bc i fell off a roof on the house i was making and had not eaten any food 
Regarding Odin i just saw him for the 10th time in my current game he appears randomly, ive seen him in every biome so far but the plains as i do not spend much time there yet.
He just showed hims self when i got raided by those Surtlings! I got a heart attack! He does really look like the grim reaper!
He also showed up when i fought a Wraith, again giving me a heart attack...
That sneaky bastard, Odin
Regarding Odin i just saw him for the 10th time in my current game he appears randomly, ive seen him in every biome so far but the plains as i do not spend much time there yet.
He just showed hims self when i got raided by those Surtlings! I got a heart attack! He does really look like the grim reaper!
He also showed up when i fought a Wraith, again giving me a heart attack...
That sneaky bastard, Odin
3:14 am, January 2, 2022
Ǵ̶͓̂͑lí̴̤̀̄́tcĥ̸ replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 12:29:52 pm PST
Also only died twice to dumb stuff, but both were a result of the campfire. Basically when I first started, accidentally burned to death - second time, didn't know about the ventilation thing and smoke got me (I didn't know what it was until I saw the death message).
Haven't died since, and never to an enemy so far. Only just beat Elder and my I think third night after that I had swamp creatures attacking my Dark Forest base, and ALMOST got killed by a Draugr with a bow (he had 3 buddies with axes and a bunch of skeletons). Elder was a long battle that I almost had to run from due to my weapon durability (I went through a full bow and nearly a full Bronze Spear) mostly because it went into the night and TWO Shaman (with some Dwarves and Brutes) came in and started healing him - but the Swamp night...THAT was probably the hardest fight I've had so far, just keeping my stamina managed while keeping my distance from creatures capable of doing 40-60 damage through my upgraded troll armor, yeah. It was a rough time, but still alive!
Haven't seen Odin hanging around yet but that's pretty cool. I thought the Crow giving you advice was basically supposed to represent Odin, didn't know he eventually stalks you in a cloak just to spy on you.
Haven't died since, and never to an enemy so far. Only just beat Elder and my I think third night after that I had swamp creatures attacking my Dark Forest base, and ALMOST got killed by a Draugr with a bow (he had 3 buddies with axes and a bunch of skeletons). Elder was a long battle that I almost had to run from due to my weapon durability (I went through a full bow and nearly a full Bronze Spear) mostly because it went into the night and TWO Shaman (with some Dwarves and Brutes) came in and started healing him - but the Swamp night...THAT was probably the hardest fight I've had so far, just keeping my stamina managed while keeping my distance from creatures capable of doing 40-60 damage through my upgraded troll armor, yeah. It was a rough time, but still alive!
Haven't seen Odin hanging around yet but that's pretty cool. I thought the Crow giving you advice was basically supposed to represent Odin, didn't know he eventually stalks you in a cloak just to spy on you.
3:14 am, January 2, 2022
joane_jett replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 4:27:06 pm PST
trees and drowning are my biggest killer, I don't go out unprepared unless i'm wood chopping or sailing halfway around the planet. Even then I would put on ♥♥♥♥ gear while sailing and have portal materials to take the sting out of death.
3:14 am, January 2, 2022
ShaftAlmighty replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 5:19:56 pm PST
I ALWAYS assume i'm gonna die when i go out exploring. Everyone should have this mindset because it will give you pause and you start to ask some questions that you hadn't thought of earlier. Make sure you have materials to replace what you are taking with you when exploring.
I've seen Odin many times, a few times in the swamps i forget it's him and start shooting arrows thinking he's a wraith. Felt very stupid moments later. I've never seen Thor though.
I've seen Odin many times, a few times in the swamps i forget it's him and start shooting arrows thinking he's a wraith. Felt very stupid moments later. I've never seen Thor though.
3:14 am, January 2, 2022
Cooperal replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 8:12:16 am PST
It is nearly impossible to die if you are an experienced gamer and actually trying, but some enemies do hit much harder than their appearance conveys even if they are not that good at landing hits in general.
Dying is so infrequent that I would rather take the skill loss than eat food for something like building, which is where most of my deaths came from; taking just a little too much fall damage at home. High or low skills don't seem to affect my chances of getting any job done, so as long as I don't lose hours of gear I'm fine with it.
I can count the rest of my deaths:
-1 death to a wolf in my first hours, before learning how stat-heavy the challenge of each biome would be.
-2 deaths to wolf packs containing a 2-star.
-1 death to a deathsquito migrating from a tiny patch of plains on an otherwise all-swamp island.
-1 death on my first encounter with a 2-star javelin fuling, bordering another swamp.
-Most recently experienced my first death to a falling tree on a fresh character. After nearly 200 hours I was surprised it finally happened.
Dying is so infrequent that I would rather take the skill loss than eat food for something like building, which is where most of my deaths came from; taking just a little too much fall damage at home. High or low skills don't seem to affect my chances of getting any job done, so as long as I don't lose hours of gear I'm fine with it.
I can count the rest of my deaths:
-1 death to a wolf in my first hours, before learning how stat-heavy the challenge of each biome would be.
-2 deaths to wolf packs containing a 2-star.
-1 death to a deathsquito migrating from a tiny patch of plains on an otherwise all-swamp island.
-1 death on my first encounter with a 2-star javelin fuling, bordering another swamp.
-Most recently experienced my first death to a falling tree on a fresh character. After nearly 200 hours I was surprised it finally happened.
6:13 pm, January 1, 2022
I am Goot replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 8:33:17 am PST
It is nearly impossible to die if you are an experienced gamer and actually trying, but some enemies do hit much harder than their appearance conveys even if they are not that good at landing hits in general.
Dying is so infrequent that I would rather take the skill loss than eat food for something like building, which is where most of my deaths came from; taking just a little too much fall damage at home. High or low skills don't seem to affect my chances of getting any job done, so as long as I don't lose hours of gear I'm fine with it.
I can count the rest of my deaths:
-1 death to a wolf in my first hours, before learning how stat-heavy the challenge of each biome would be.
-2 deaths to wolf packs containing a 2-star.
-1 death to a deathsquito migrating from a tiny patch of plains on an otherwise all-swamp island.
-1 death on my first encounter with a 2-star javelin fuling, bordering another swamp.
-Most recently experienced my first death to a falling tree on a fresh character. After nearly 200 hours I was surprised it finally happened.
Are you sure he's not referring to seeing Odin's Image looking at him..... It does have a Grim Reaper appearance aka Death vibes
6:13 pm, January 1, 2022
Cooperal replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 9:12:53 am PST
Doh! Well I stand by what I said. I think Odin only appears after a certain amount of progress has been made and he seems to take preference to the meadows biome, but by 300 hours he should have gotten used to seeing him by now, that is unless he was stealth-removed during a patch or something.It is nearly impossible to die if you are an experienced gamer and actually trying, but some enemies do hit much harder than their appearance conveys even if they are not that good at landing hits in general.
Dying is so infrequent that I would rather take the skill loss than eat food for something like building, which is where most of my deaths came from; taking just a little too much fall damage at home. High or low skills don't seem to affect my chances of getting any job done, so as long as I don't lose hours of gear I'm fine with it.
I can count the rest of my deaths:
-1 death to a wolf in my first hours, before learning how stat-heavy the challenge of each biome would be.
-2 deaths to wolf packs containing a 2-star.
-1 death to a deathsquito migrating from a tiny patch of plains on an otherwise all-swamp island.
-1 death on my first encounter with a 2-star javelin fuling, bordering another swamp.
-Most recently experienced my first death to a falling tree on a fresh character. After nearly 200 hours I was surprised it finally happened.
Are you sure he's not referring to seeing Odin's Image looking at him..... It does have a Grim Reaper appearance aka Death vibes
6:13 pm, January 1, 2022
ICY_H0T_STUNTA replied to iv see death? January 1, 2022 @ 9:51:07 am PST
One of the biggest design problems with this game imo. When they start adding more enemies, I hope they make them look representative of their power/level. but some enemies do hit much harder than their appearance conveys
I don't want to see some cute bunny one hit me while a massive gigachad troll golem is a complete pushover.
6:13 pm, January 1, 2022