World wiped out ,for real??
How the developers cant fix this bugg??
I spend to much time in this game just for this .
I spend to much time in this game just for this .
12:13 am, January 29, 2022
Lecherous Lychee 🐸 replied to World wiped out ,for real?? January 28, 2022 @ 7:07:06 pm PST
How the developers cant fix this bugg??
I spend to much time in this game just for this .
Do you have Cloud save turned on? If so, turn it off. It seemed to have given a lot of players the same issue as you. However, in all of my games, I have never ran into this problem, and neither have any of my 9 other players for my server in their own games.
3:13 am, January 29, 2022
bear. replied to World wiped out ,for real?? January 28, 2022 @ 3:18:59 pm PST
Seem like a you problem.
12:13 am, January 29, 2022