Swamp Shores

When my viking sails out in his longship to explore, he likes to stay in the Ocean biome until he finds land. If visibility is good, the first indication of land is normally a mountain mass or trees. The HUD normally changes from Ocean to a land biome shortly thereafter.

I find that when I see trees found in the Swamp while I am on the Ocean and I approach the shore, the HUD rarely changes from Ocean to Swamp. It normally changes to Meadows, Black Forest, or Plains. I believe that this indicates the Swamp is not very big but merely a facade, masking the biome of the main landmass.

My viking does not like to traipse through swamps unless he needs iron, guck, ancient bark, or chain. So I rarely know how big a Swamp is. I do know that only a tiny patch of Meadows or Black Forest is required to have that biome register on the HUD as my longship approaches the coast. Additionally, when examining a strip of coast on the main map, one can place the cursor on the shore and Swamp will appear in the biome slot at the upper right corner of the map. Yet, when approaching that same strip of coast from the sea, my viking's HUD will many times indicate some other biome.

It appears to me that whatever algorithm controls the biome indicator in a viking's HUD is so insensitive to a Swamp that one must be physically in a Swamp to have it register. For other biomes, such as Meadows, Black Forest, and Plains, one must only be close enough to shore to have left the Ocean biome, to have them register.
11:13 pm, July 5, 2021
warrenchmobile 0 comments 0 likes

cobb.311 replied to Swamp Shores July 5, 2021 @ 4:22:46 pm PDT

Maybe this isn't what you mean, but the lighter colored water on the map with something like waves drawn on it is part of the land biome and will change what's displayed on the HUD. For the swamp, and I'd have to double check, I don't believe it draws the wavy bit on the map. The wavy parts seem to be, like you said, part of some other biome that the swamp is slapped on top of.

The ugly black parts on the map are also used where water is, if I recall, and sailing into that should change it to "Swamp." It tends to be pretty shallow and full of leeches, so I never pull up that close in a swamp.
2:13 am, July 6, 2021
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