How about implement warp points on the map?
Is there any way to implement warp points or make a recipe so we could build some of them to scatter on the map and improve travel time between areas?
2:13 am, June 25, 2021
Alt-F4 replied to How about implement warp points on the map? June 24, 2021 @ 11:21:48 pm PDT
This may only be a partial solution to the problem, however, since the types of things you will want to teleport (I'm looking at ore and refined metals) don't teleport through portals. Unless I am completely misunderstanding the label they have on them. Which means portals would be useful for things like foraging or initial travel to a location, but carrying ore or the like back is a manual task. I'm also not entirely sure if they will come under attack in single player, either.
8:13 am, June 25, 2021
Isaac_Clark replied to How about implement warp points on the map? June 24, 2021 @ 11:52:10 pm PDT
This may only be a partial solution to the problem, however, since the types of things you will want to teleport (I'm looking at ore and refined metals) don't teleport through portals. Unless I am completely misunderstanding the label they have on them. Which means portals would be useful for things like foraging or initial travel to a location, but carrying ore or the like back is a manual task. I'm also not entirely sure if they will come under attack in single player, either.
Enemies not in render range don't have AI, so they can't attack anything. But portals serve another VERY important function other than letting you transport goods and that's giving you a lifeline. If you're not on your home continent and you die, how are you gonna get your body back; build a new boat? Maybe the first time it happens but from that point on you'll be setting sail with portal materials in your inventory so when you make landfall you can build your lifeline. It's a lot less stressful when dying just means the skill penalty and a short jog to get your corpse instead of having to launch a whole mission to recover your stuff.
8:13 am, June 25, 2021
jeff.wooliscroft replied to How about implement warp points on the map? June 25, 2021 @ 12:10:19 am PDT
This may only be a partial solution to the problem, however, since the types of things you will want to teleport (I'm looking at ore and refined metals) don't teleport through portals. Unless I am completely misunderstanding the label they have on them. Which means portals would be useful for things like foraging or initial travel to a location, but carrying ore or the like back is a manual task. I'm also not entirely sure if they will come under attack in single player, either.
And, to add to Isaac_Clark's point, while they don't make it possible to 'port ore or refined metals back to base, what they do is provide a way for you to nip back and forth while you gather enough ore/metal to fill a boat and justify the risk of the sea journey.
First thing I do on making landfall anywhere that I want to be working from? Put up a portal in a hut.
8:13 am, June 25, 2021
Intellect Inside replied to How about implement warp points on the map? June 24, 2021 @ 6:14:32 pm PDT
Yes, you can build portals when you have the right materials. Recipes don't show up until you've encountered every material in the recipe.
2:13 am, June 25, 2021
Strahdcrown replied to How about implement warp points on the map? June 24, 2021 @ 6:18:20 pm PDT
Oh thank you. Thats nice to know.
2:13 am, June 25, 2021