How much of this EA title is finished?

yes I know it's an early access game and it's not finished, not what I am asking. I want to know "how much" of this game is finished though. How far can I go, why is this still in early access, and how unfinished is this, how much content is missing? Thanks all!
3:13 am, January 28, 2023
Arlith 0 comments 0 likes

Suzaku replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 28, 2023 @ 12:37:39 pm PST

Originally posted by Lil Puppy:
Valheim is currently at version .213.2
If the goal is to get to 1.0 we've got .8 left to go. If version numbers mean anything, the game is 20% complete.
Version numbers mean nothing.
9:13 pm, January 28, 2023
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Zathabar replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 28, 2023 @ 5:13:02 am PST

Originally posted by Arlith:
Awesome answers so far guys, thank you! I have an additional question, I'm thinking of getting this for myself and my guy, if we just duo the game will it be too grindy?

Shouldn't think so. The wife and I play as a duo for many months now managed all the content at our own pace without Modding anything (other than Texture packs for better visuals now and again no game play mods)

Its good value for what we have so please have a go ;) Slowish and (over) prepared is the way to go - at a pace that suits the pair of you . That will minimise Deaths.
6:13 pm, January 28, 2023
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Lil Puppy replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 28, 2023 @ 9:57:23 am PST

Valheim is currently at version .213.2
If the goal is to get to 1.0 we've got .8 left to go. If version numbers mean anything, the game is 20% complete.
I'm hoping there's going to be a huge buildables content update, we're lacking a huge amount of things to build.
6:13 pm, January 28, 2023
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TheProphecy replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 28, 2023 @ 1:25:57 am PST

Me and my boy just started a few days ago and even though its survival we can't stop RPGing Vikings lol. But seriously its a lot less grindy then ark imo which is good, but I think they managed to find a good middle ground. If you do start gather wood. Like gather WOOD. Tip 2, make a wall ASAP, thank me later.
12:13 pm, January 28, 2023
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ling.speed replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 28, 2023 @ 3:54:40 am PST

Originally posted by Arlith:
Awesome answers so far guys, thank you! I have an additional question, I'm thinking of getting this for myself and my guy, if we just duo the game will it be too grindy?
Its the good kind of grind where you feel rewarded for your work.

Also its very gameplay dependant. It does get grindy if you want to build huge bases. Or you want to do completionist progress, like upgrade every piece of gear to max before moving to next tier. But then you can substitute gear stats with skills and knowleage... so it usually ends up being a grind for the sake of grind, kind of like in Minecraft.

That said, its still not for everyone ofc, just that hardly anyone here is an M for liking the game.

And since we are in tips territory, i'd say, 1) dont be afraid to die, the earlier you figure out how the mechanics work the smoother it will be later, and 2) the most important gear you have on you is in your tummy, keep an eye on it.
12:13 pm, January 28, 2023
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KingKickAss replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 9:01:45 pm PST

Originally posted by Arlith:
Awesome answers so far guys, thank you! I have an additional question, I'm thinking of getting this for myself and my guy, if we just duo the game will it be too grindy?
I think two people is the ideal way to play if anything. A lot of things in the game are less tedious when you can split the work between two people. Like one person mining while the other smelts, or one person building while the other gathers the materials.

Also for your original question, I would say the game is worth it even though its unfinished, you can still get a good amount of playtime out of it for the price. Take your time though, there's a lot of enjoyment to be had just pacing yourself and enjoying it rather than trying to be optimized and beating it as fast as possible.
6:13 am, January 28, 2023
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Arlith replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 7:35:16 pm PST

Awesome answers so far guys, thank you! I have an additional question, I'm thinking of getting this for myself and my guy, if we just duo the game will it be too grindy?
6:13 am, January 28, 2023
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Suzaku replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 7:38:52 pm PST

Grind is a bit too subjective to give a definitive answer for. It depends on just how prepared you want to be, or how extensive you want to build a base, etc.

Regardless, there are mods that can greatly reduce the grind, or alter a vast array of other options and gameplay mechanics, so you can tweak the game to your heart's content.

The game works great for any number of players.
6:13 am, January 28, 2023
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Arlith replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 8:57:55 pm PST

Good answers, lots to think about. Thanks y'all! :morte:
6:13 am, January 28, 2023
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Suzaku replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 4:33:59 pm PST

There are currently 6 biomes made, with 2 more announced to be in production, along with a potential revisiting of the Ocean to make it more engaging. Each biome is its own set of challenges, but they all typically follow the same steps of providing new enemies, new resources to make better gear, new foods, new building items, and a boss to cap it all off.

There's plenty here already worth more than the price, with more on the way. Development on the most recent update was slow, but the devs have said that the upcoming updates should be faster; only time will tell.

Then there's the modding scene, which can add a fair bit of life and extra replayability for those that seek it.
3:13 am, January 28, 2023
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Cooperal replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 5:02:19 pm PST

On top of the future two biomes (three with ocean), it is also difficult to say if the currently implemented biomes are 'complete' either. In addition to going back and adding small bits of content to earlier biomes, quite a bit of overhauling has been done to a variety of things like terrain generation, food balance, enemy models etc.

If you are trying to size up how long the wait for 1.0 may be, it's probably a couple of years at minimum. The devs rate of output would need to multiply a few times over to beat fall 2024.

Presumably things will speed up as the final vision comes together more and the newer staff are more comfortable in their roles, however this is not a guarantee especially when a project can instead become more ambitious.
3:13 am, January 28, 2023
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jonnin replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 6:08:57 pm PST

Probably around 60-70% if you assume they will do more than just crank out areas, but continue to add some polish & such, and depending on the size of any ocean updates. Could be as low as 50% as far as ready for release goes but actual content is higher % done than that.
3:13 am, January 28, 2023
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ling.speed replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 6:14:49 pm PST

The game does not have an ending, but its competely playable, and since it does not have a real story the ending is just the boss of the last biome they added. There are no "holes" in the content, the endgame is expanding each patch, thou its pretty slow.

In this sense it has been playable since release years ago, There is no real reason to wait for "full" release. Also game has mods already, if you want more content.
3:13 am, January 28, 2023
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Vintorez replied to How much of this EA title is finished? January 27, 2023 @ 6:30:58 pm PST

In a way it's pretty finished because each biome that is implemented is fully fleshed out. Think of it like a game with a planned level cap of 100 but you can only progress up to 70, though all 70 of those levels are pretty much feature complete.
3:13 am, January 28, 2023
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