Please Revisit The Stamina Cost of Parrying.

With the new food system, it seems counter-intuitive that a tank or anyone with a melee inclination (everyone eventually) take more hp food to compliment armor/shield and prevent stagger(and pretty much just survive) but is then penalized for stamina when performing a parry.
Parry is easily themed like a counterattack, giving the player/s a window to do grievous damage to the enemy and punishing them for their assault. However, after much parrying, you'll hardly have the stamina to spare for a combo. This is especially true with multiple enemies and being able to parry them all (like Fulings)
And just recently, the ability to stagger ranged opponents can be staggered once again, draining stamina even more for players who wish to mitigate more damage.
Why is the player penalized for having the skill/timing to correctly anticipate and meet an opponents blows head on?
I propose the stamina cost for parrying be dramatically reduced or removed altogether. Another alternative is let blocking skill reduce the stamina cost. With this new system, stamina is supposed to be for "dps" right? So, it should really be taken out of the defense equation for good. Now it takes hp, armor, shield AND stamina to continuously fight in melee. Nothing might be left for running away.
I hope this can be considered for future update.
5:13 am, October 5, 2021
PizzaTime 0 comments 0 likes

PizzaTime replied to Please Revisit The Stamina Cost of Parrying. October 4, 2021 @ 8:30:13 pm PDT

After testing a bit, it still costs 20(!) stamina to parry melee and 10 to parry ranged, a bit much with the new food system. Just blocking hits will cause you to take more damage and still take stamina damage.
5:13 am, October 5, 2021
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Faceplant8 replied to Please Revisit The Stamina Cost of Parrying. October 4, 2021 @ 8:46:58 pm PDT

I'm sure this will be moved into the suggestions thread, but TBH, 20/10 seems pretty small to me, especially with end-game food. How low do you think they should take it?

What are you trying to do? It's very easy to take down a fuling village with the current balance. Why would you want to make it easier?
5:13 am, October 5, 2021
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