The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered

I posit that the original roadmap was not abandoned, it was just a very small map, and has been mostly delivered.

Let's dial the time machine back to January 2021. Valheim was just about to explode. 5 devs had been feverishly toiling for nearly 4 years to get their vision to market. They had a game engine and procedural world generator. They had some assets like mobs and trees. They had enough to take it public, and they had things they were working on.

The things there were working on were still half baked. Partly done, to whatever degree, but not ready for the launch, so they were just added to the roadmap.

Things like decent roofs and decorative build pieces. They all relied on tar, but the tar pits and decorative build pieces were not done yet. Parts were, I presume. But the entire 'ecosystem' of tar pits and fancy build pieces were not done, so they were called 'Hearth and Home' and stuck on the road map for their as yet non-existent player base. Notice, in the original road map, under 'Odin wills it' are tar pits.

At the same time, they had this idea for a group of wolf headed cultists, up in the ice caves in the mountains. But the entire ecosystem was not yet done, so it was added to the road map as 'Cult of the Wolf'.

The ocean biome was kind of sparse. Still is. Their ocean biome roadmap update is abandoned in favor of the Mistlands. Why?

If I were a betting man it's because Mistlands was further along in development when they were still hungry.

Yes, they have released a couple of updates to the game in 14 months, but it smells like stuff they already had cooking.

4 years to make a game engine AND 5 biomes.... now 14 months without a new biome, and just some 'late homework' level updates.

Call me cynical, but the math says they are not working as hard now as they used to when they were still hungry.

Not blaming them. If I was suddenly a millionaire I'd quit my day job too.

But I think it is a lie to say the road map has been abandoned to focus on bug fixes and mistlands. The road map was just really small, and has now been delivered under the guise of squeezing out the last few sales while work has (compared to pre-launch progress) gotten stuck in a tar pit, so to speak.

Hoping for more build pieces? Temper your expectations.
Hoping for more mob types per biome? Temper your expectations.
Hoping to adventure in the frozen north, or the Firelands? Temper your expectations.

Modders have done all the heavy lifting since release. If the devs really want to serve their player base they will just step back and admit they are on a beach somewhere and hand the code off to modders to complete the game and turn it into what we all see the potential for.

I will, however temper my expectation that will ever happen.
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
captainamaziiing 0 comments 0 likes

captainamaziiing replied to The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered April 9, 2022 @ 4:42:37 am PDT

Originally posted by electricdawn:
*yawn* You are really on a crusade, aren't you?

Star Citizen is calling you.
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
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retsam1 replied to The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered April 9, 2022 @ 4:48:43 am PDT

Your long post really wasn't necessary as I don't think the perception of the game's progressive development has had a dire need to have a player, who isn't a dev, to say the equivalency of "Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you." (Star Wars reference) in these regards.

Games with progressive development meander. Its pretty common.
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
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captainamaziiing replied to The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered April 9, 2022 @ 4:51:07 am PDT

Originally posted by retsam1:
Your long post really wasn't necessary as I don't think the perception of the game's progressive development has had a dire need to have a player, who isn't a dev, to say the equivalency of "Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you." (Star Wars reference) in these regards.

Games with progressive development meander. Its pretty common.

Is development really progressing though, or just meandering, on a beach. With lots of money in its pocket?
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
0 comments 0 likes

retsam1 replied to The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered April 9, 2022 @ 4:59:28 am PDT

Originally posted by captainamaziiing:
Originally posted by retsam1:
Your long post really wasn't necessary as I don't think the perception of the game's progressive development has had a dire need to have a player, who isn't a dev, to say the equivalency of "Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you." (Star Wars reference) in these regards.

Games with progressive development meander. Its pretty common.

Is development really progressing though, or just meandering, on a beach. With lots of money in its pocket?

If you have challenges that prevent you from reading patch notes and updates, there's really not much anyone can do for you to understand that there has been and continues to be progress.

So if your thread is just a long winded way of shenanigans, just keep in mind that tends to not have the outcome on here as such folks seem to expect. Just a simple prediction for you...
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
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Zathabar replied to The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered April 9, 2022 @ 5:02:57 am PDT

I can't actually see anything constructive to the game in this post other than "its early access things may take a while before they get to what you'd do next if you'd created it"

What am I missing: not trying to be trollish or take a shot at the OP I just do not get what point is being raised?
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
0 comments 0 likes

Fzanco replied to The roadmap wasn't abandoned, it was just a small map, and is mostly delivered April 9, 2022 @ 5:03:51 am PDT

The notion they made a lot of money and they've washed their hands of it is silly. That perception is quite shallow. They're making their plans for the game and from what's playable at the moment it's well put together. It takes time to put do things well in any industry. Players have strapped themselves in for the journey of "early access", Impatience does not mix with this
2:13 pm, April 9, 2022
0 comments 0 likes