Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game

Thanks @Finkle and Einhorn for mentioning the nomap option. I am having a great deal of fun. I already spent days 7,8 and 9 totally lost. After Eikythyr it took me another three days to re-locate the summoning circle. I have been making hand maps and erecting trail signs, but it is so tempting to go 'off trail' when hunting or searching, and you don't realize how much you spin around when fighting or gathering. I should be good for now through the bronze age but beyond that is going to require very careful work. What would be fun is to reenable the map after this is all over and take a tour of what things really look like. Is that possible?
11:13 pm, June 15, 2022
Alji 0 comments 0 likes

Shizniticus replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 20, 2022 @ 5:21:44 pm PDT

Originally posted by Alji:
I just use self discipline for permadeath and until recently for no portals. If I die, I just start over. It's worked out, because I enjoy the exploration and earlier part of the game better. (Plus you never have to do corpse runs.) I only finished yaggluth once. For the nomap and actual noportals options you may have to enable dev commands like I did. Google instructions for that (says it might corrupt saves.)

2:13 am, June 21, 2022
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Shizniticus replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 20, 2022 @ 3:16:00 pm PDT

Originally posted by Fzanco:
Gotta try no map, sounds like a cool experience. I like the idea of permadeath and want to try it but I feel like its going to force me to play too safe and remove some of the fun for me. No portals is hands down a great way to increase the fun IF your an avid sailor

Wait there is permadeath now?
11:13 pm, June 20, 2022
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Shizniticus replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 20, 2022 @ 3:22:18 pm PDT

I can't even find the "no map" option.
11:13 pm, June 20, 2022
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Alji replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 20, 2022 @ 3:36:51 pm PDT

I just use self discipline for permadeath and until recently for no portals. If I die, I just start over. It's worked out, because I enjoy the exploration and earlier part of the game better. (Plus you never have to do corpse runs.) I only finished yaggluth once. For the nomap and actual noportals options you may have to enable dev commands like I did. Google instructions for that (says it might corrupt saves.)
11:13 pm, June 20, 2022
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anthony replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 17, 2022 @ 12:58:14 pm PDT

Originally posted by Alji:
Wow, I just noticed that with no map it doesn't tell me what type of biome I am in while sailing. That could lead to accidents.

Stay clenched while in fog!

Maybe night-time sailing is just a bad idea. At least in sunlight, the subtle atmospheric hue changes per biome can be a hint.
8:13 pm, June 17, 2022
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Alji replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 16, 2022 @ 4:51:53 pm PDT

Wow, I just noticed that with no map it doesn't tell me what type of biome I am in while sailing. That could lead to accidents.
2:13 am, June 17, 2022
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anthony replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 10:53:46 pm PDT

Yeah, crypts are a fair bit more troublesome without a map. With automap, you just mark every one you happen by when doing anything else, easily returning when needed. Without... you basically have to delve it as you find it, otherwise leave it to maybe be re-discovered. Also, it helps to leave an indication that you've finished a crypt, such as a campfire.

I hate those cheapo crypts. :P Especially when they're loaded with baddies! "I shouldn't have bothered..." Then sometimes you get the barely-guarded bonanza.
8:13 am, June 16, 2022
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blprice61 replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 16, 2022 @ 12:11:15 am PDT

On land, I think I'd have to build lots of well marked roads with cleared shoulders. Also would burn some food early to get charcoal for signs. Probably leave North pointers every so often when I was sure of the direction. A single cheap pole fence with a sign would probably work for leaving known directions to stuff.

On water.. eesh.. best I can think of would be to make raised earth pillars with sheltered campfire atop using roof as reflector. Still limited use as range would be short. Would try to limit boat trips to destinations I could see from shore or near shore landmark/lighthouse.

Although.. this might not work but... ships don't move if a player isn't aboard. Could use rafts as breadcrumb trail?

Will be interesting to hear how you all do, and what solutions you find. You're braver men than I :)
8:13 am, June 16, 2022
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anthony replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 8:13:28 pm PDT

I recently started with /nomap and haven't gotten lost -- yet! The sun and moon are good references, but don't forget about Yggdrasil itself!

I also build little north-reference posts -- they mark territory I've explored, give a north reference regardless of conditions.

With automap, I felt like everywhere new I explored was accomplishing something: revealing more of the map. Now I don't get that feeling, so I need a specific reason to be exploring. On the other hand, I don't have any *compulsion* to reveal the map and mark everything, as I did with automap. So it's been a bit liberating.
5:13 am, June 16, 2022
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Alji replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 8:36:50 pm PDT

Same here. Currently I am worried about finding crypts. I used to go on long treks I called thistle walks, where, you can probably guess, I was mostly foraging for thistle and blueberries. But, that was also how I usually found crypts. I thought I had found two crypts, but it was just the same one from a different direction and that one didn't yield enough cores to get to bronze. I also haven't found any carrots yet. My last game I probably had 40 seeds by the time I could farm. The difficulty of aimless wandering is changing the game quite a bit.
5:13 am, June 16, 2022
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Fzanco replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 2:10:12 pm PDT

Gotta try no map, sounds like a cool experience. I like the idea of permadeath and want to try it but I feel like its going to force me to play too safe and remove some of the fun for me. No portals is hands down a great way to increase the fun IF your an avid sailor
11:13 pm, June 15, 2022
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blprice61 replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 2:18:40 pm PDT

I don't believe you can re-enable the map and get anything other than a blank map; at least that's my understanding.

Can you even tell which direction you're going (NESW)? I guess you could maybe get your bearings three times a day? Sun direction at morning, at noon (by rest minutes remaining) and in the evening - yeah I'd be going around in circles most of the time as soon as I got away from the edges of things.

I suppose you could look up your seed in one of those world viewers after you're done. Would at least let you see how far off things were from what you thought while playing.

Good luck! (and better you than me lol).
11:13 pm, June 15, 2022
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Alji replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 2:27:18 pm PDT

Studying the sky is helpful and you can see your shadow much of the time. If its foggy or rainy better be close to base. Thats a good idea about the worldviewer. I forgot about that. I don't pre-screen my maps, exploring is the whole point to me.
11:13 pm, June 15, 2022
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electricdawn replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 2:30:22 pm PDT

I probably would get hopelessly lost. :D

It does help though, when you have your base at the coast (recommended anyway) and you know that's always downhill. At least you will find "a" coastline, which, hopefully, is not too far away from your base. ;)
11:13 pm, June 15, 2022
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Alji replied to Nomap/No portals/Permadeath Game June 15, 2022 @ 3:15:42 pm PDT

That's kind of what I thought when I went off trail. I'm not gonna track this, but if I get lost I'll just head in a straight line until I hit coast. If I follow the coast I should come back to my base. But the woods just went on and on. Then I hit a coastline, but it was a large lake I hadn't seen before. That was when I started to panic.

Is it my imagination or did they change the map generator for larger islands? (I hadn't played since before H&H.) My last several seeds have all had large starting islands and I have run into shield continents that stretch over halfway across the map blocking the path to a boss. I never found a way around one of those.
11:13 pm, June 15, 2022
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