Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue)

Capes are generally used as cosmetics in this game, but feather cape has too many advantages and so is a no-brainer right now. Atleast it should not give cold resistance so you could wear lox/wolf cape, if you prefer so you could choose between "slow fall" or "cold resistance".
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
Angrybeard 0 comments 0 likes

Voodoosuicide replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 5:12:38 pm PST

would you want to traverse the mistland biome which was next to a mountain biome with anything else?
3:13 am, March 12, 2023
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Subsonic replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 10:50:57 am PST

What stops you from not using the feather cape and just wearing what you want, use mead if needed? I wouldn't call it OP--you're most of the way through the game now, there should be a power creep leading to the final boss(es). And it won't help you in the Ashlands so that's not really an issue, it'll primarily be for mountain hopping (frost cave hunting) and Deep North. Seems fine to me.
9:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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hobie642 replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 11:55:55 am PST

Since ML is the real beginning of magic in the game, and considering the heights (and potentially lethal falls) that are in the ML) I go not see it OP, but a logical progression of the capes. Also add in the sometimes comical results of getting knocked back while wearing one, it seems to have a good balance of advantages/disadvantages. Am I the only one who gets into a serious fight wearing one and think the old kung fu movies that were over the top with wire work?
The one thing I wish were added to the capes is wet resistance. I mean even cave men seemed to have capes or cloaks to keep the rain off of them.
9:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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jonnin replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 7:21:13 am PST

I would hope that we just get a wider variety of buffs and mix/match of the colors and such.
I am not sure its OP: to be OP it would have to seriously help you in combat or something. Its a bit frustrating that its the ONLY real choice once you have it, but that isnt the same as OP, it just means there needs to be 2 or 3 others equally good to pick from, probably things we will get sooner or later.
6:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Rhapsody replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 7:28:44 am PST

Originally posted by jonnin:
I would hope that we just get a wider variety of buffs and mix/match of the colors and such.
I am not sure its OP

It isn't, it's just an upgrade over the existing capes. Ideally we'd have more styles as well as functions to choose from, but it's not an actual issue at the present. Cosmetic stuff shouldn't be a priority in early access IMO, and there's still two more very different biomes left.
6:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Faceplant8 replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 8:13:01 am PST

Maybe I'm being pendantic, but I think OP is not the correct term. It add a new feature that is very nice to have, especially in mistlands, but doen't really make you much more powerful, certainly not OP.

I get the fashion side of it, but I think that mostly stems from the odd nature of capes in the game in general. Why not ask for adding the abilities of troll, root, or fenris armor to any armor? I hat the look of troll and root armor, but wear root parts occationally due to their special abilities, which are arguably more consequential in combat than feather fall.

The odd nature of the capes is that there is not a linear progression to the capes. The troll cape adds a bit of sneak, but that has limited utility without the full set of troll armor. The wolf cape adds cold resistance, which you can also get from the wolf armor. The lox cape is just a reskinning of the wolf cape. AFIK, the stats are exactly the same. The linen cape, which should have been top tier before Mistlands doesn't have any special abilities, and is a step down from all of them. They all have the exact same armor value as well.

The feather cape adds an important new capability, especially for the biome that you get it in. Outside of that biome it's not so important. Removing the ability to travel in the mountain biome (two tiers down, and often neighboring mistlands) without having to carry around additional mead and/or another cape seems like a bad idea.

I suspect that more customization will come out before the final release, which I believe is really what you're looking for. I absolutely do not support any suggestion that forces us all to carry around additional items just to help some justify their desire to make a fashion statement.
6:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Bonxxy replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 10:06:30 am PST

feather cloak is good. in feather cloak we trust. angrybeard we just laugh at. we intentionally taught him the wrong way to play valheim for comedy relief.
6:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Nobbler replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 5:01:37 am PST

Originally posted by Angrybeard:
Also, @Nobbler, this is a discussion thread. Idk how you came to the conclusion i want to slow you down etc. Also, idm if anyone ragequits, i just want to point my concerns, i am not a politician.

Apologies. I could have laid out a, "what if" scenario to encourage more discussion, but I felt my comment demonstrated how people can internalize written texts.

I took too heavily towards the "OP" side of your comment, and failed to respect the fact that you point out we have limited choices because feather cape is the current BiS back item. To that end, I fully agree. So let me blather about that instead.

End game problem in many games, people exclusively use the BiS, making us all wish we could customize our character appearance to be any flavor of different from everyone else.

Personally, I think the feathers on any armor look gaudy. Like.. Look at me, the Viking Diva from 1920's ready to go flapping.

I am not a fan of a wolf head attached to a cloak, either. Not because I love animals, but just aesthetics. I think the feathery top of the lox cloak looks pretty bad too. I actually don't want dog fur and feathers on my character.. although I respect other's choices and recognize the significance of the wolf and raven.

I would love to be able to use a nice looking Linen Cape, maybe lined with feather fall. That's one of several reasons why I play modded ;)

Been using feather fall items for over a year already.

Thanks for clarifying, Angrybeard! I agree that it would be nice to have any other choice for feather fall in the vanilla (un-modded) game. Maybe there will be in the future.
3:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Angrybeard replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:17:22 am PST

Originally posted by Nobbler:
I disagree. I think that all cloaks should provide cold protection, unless specifically intended to be for display. As example, I could see maybe the linen cape being purely aesthetic, but granting a comfort bonus.

Maybe the feather cloak can be thought of as more of a cape, granting super hero powers.. or, we can forget the DC marvel BS and just say, that irl a cloak made of feathers would probably be rain repellent, warm, and slow fall is almost necessary when you are a late game high stat player.

The speed my toon can run, the height it can jump, makes any sprint through the woods potentially lethal with the smallest depression in terrain. So when I read what you think is better, Angrybeard, all that I hear is you want me to have to move more slowly so I can be safer because feather cloaks are OP? After all the time invested into making my toon go faster? No thanks, amigo. I think the feather fall cloak is overdue! One of the best features of mistlands, hands down.

The feather fall cape makes high stats and speed much more rewarding and engaging.

Lastly, imagine how many players would be complaining and ragequitting if they fell in mistlands without the cloak, and it is beyond a doubt a fact that players will fall in mistlands.

Anyway, thanks for the thoughts, Angrybeard. Cloaks are not capes, and capes in game are not generally cosmetic. They are a slight increase to armor, several provide warmth. Cheers.
Mistlands tedium is another thing. I speak about the backpieces. And 2-4 armor is pointless late game. So they are mostly cosmetic/utility things. As for the feather cape it has too much in it. There are also many ppl that want to wear other capes for rp or distinguish themselves from others. Maybe an enchantment you unlock in mistlands could apply slow fall to every cape, thus there would be no need for my OP.
3:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Angrybeard replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:23:26 am PST

Also, @Nobbler, this is a discussion thread. Idk how you came to the conclusion i want to slow you down etc. Also, idm if anyone ragequits, i just want to point my concerns, i am not a politician.
3:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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John replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:54:10 am PST

If the Feather Cape didn't have cold protection, no one would wear it cause the stamina debuff at night would be atrocious. Yes we could have mead, but that would require ANOTHER inventory slot in use.
3:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Nobbler replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:09:48 am PST

I disagree. I think that all cloaks should provide cold protection, unless specifically intended to be for display. As example, I could see maybe the linen cape being purely aesthetic, but granting a comfort bonus.

Maybe the feather cloak can be thought of as more of a cape, granting super hero powers.. or, we can forget the DC marvel BS and just say, that irl a cloak made of feathers would probably be rain repellent, warm, and slow fall is almost necessary when you are a late game high stat player.

The speed my toon can run, the height it can jump, makes any sprint through the woods potentially lethal with the smallest depression in terrain. So when I read what you think is better, Angrybeard, all that I hear is you want me to have to move more slowly so I can be safer because feather cloaks are OP? After all the time invested into making my toon go faster? No thanks, amigo. I think the feather fall cloak is overdue! One of the best features of mistlands, hands down.

The feather fall cape makes high stats and speed much more rewarding and engaging.

Lastly, imagine how many players would be complaining and ragequitting if they fell in mistlands without the cloak, and it is beyond a doubt a fact that players will fall in mistlands.

Anyway, thanks for the thoughts, Angrybeard. Cloaks are not capes, and capes in game are not generally cosmetic. They are a slight increase to armor, several provide warmth. Cheers.
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Rhapsody replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:02:34 am PST

They stopped being cosmetic accessories with troll cape, and solidified the practice with wolf fur cape.
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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vinyblaster replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:03:34 am PST

Late game gear is better than early game gear yes. It's not OP it's progression. Once you've beaten the cold why would you have to go back?
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Angrybeard replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:05:15 am PST

Originally posted by Rhapsody:
They stopped being cosmetic accessories with troll cape, and solidified the practice with wolf fur cape.

As usual same paidboy answers. And what about linen capes you unlock late but don't have any use other than pure cosmetic.
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Angrybeard replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:07:47 am PST

Originally posted by vinyblaster:
Late game gear is better than early game gear yes. It's not OP it's progression. Once you've beaten the cold why would you have to go back?

Where is said you beat the cold? We still have deep north to come. It's OP to just wear a cape and have 2 benefits at the same time. What about upcoming capes, they too should have those benefits, otherwise feather cape will be the only thing worth it.
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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Jogo replied to Feather Cape is too OP (balance issue) March 11, 2023 @ 4:07:54 am PST

Indeed. Most fun item in the game for me and one of two reasons why I spend most of my time in the mistlands now. Yet it could use some nerfing. I wouldn't mind having to quaff the cold res mead every 10 minutes or so. I no longer know what to do with all the honey anyway. Thistle is plentiful, bloodbags too easy to come by and don't even get me started on them greydwarf eyes.

Even at level 2, it should wear off far more quickly than it does. Certainly more than any of the other capes.
And even with all these nerfs, it would still be op af and still the most fun item. :-)
12:13 pm, March 11, 2023
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