Valheim broke my 4t HDD and windows.
Hi, everyone!,
Few days ago valheim crased and nothing else happened, but yesterday while playing it crashed again, my computer went to no respond, had to force restart and then it was just bios starting over and over.
After cheking on my bios how many SDD and HDD were being detected 1 of them were missing.
I decided to reinstall windows and figure out what went wrong but i could manage to get any clue because yeah, my 4THDD no longer works, i must say i haven't tested it yet if another computer manages to make it work, i will do it as soon i get to my brother's home someday.
Meanwhile while i'm trying to play again Steam is not able to sincronice with cloud.
So here i'm just wandering what could go wrong and sharing with you this nosense
Few days ago valheim crased and nothing else happened, but yesterday while playing it crashed again, my computer went to no respond, had to force restart and then it was just bios starting over and over.
After cheking on my bios how many SDD and HDD were being detected 1 of them were missing.
I decided to reinstall windows and figure out what went wrong but i could manage to get any clue because yeah, my 4THDD no longer works, i must say i haven't tested it yet if another computer manages to make it work, i will do it as soon i get to my brother's home someday.
Meanwhile while i'm trying to play again Steam is not able to sincronice with cloud.
So here i'm just wandering what could go wrong and sharing with you this nosense
11:13 am, April 24, 2023