Five minutes in the swamp.

Yep, all gear is gone. Im not going back there anytime soon. My god, I read about the swamp and all, but come on man. That was crazy. And there is no way without another person am I going to get back in there to get my gear. Kind of sucks that this is where I may leave the game. There just is no way to clear the area to get my gear. Not gonna keep making gear so that i can keep losing it in there. The game went from "hey, pretty butterfly" to "come here and let me smash the crap outta you".

Ill go make a couple more log cabins and eventually with no progression it will get stale and fade away, like the others. Got my 20 bucks worth I guess.

9:13 pm, March 22, 2022
Zigzag 0 comments 0 likes

TVMAN replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:18:43 pm PDT

What gear are you using? I first explored the swamp and mined my first iron with upgraded troll armor, a bronze buckler, a bronze mace, and poison resistance/healing potions. I also set up a portal outpost just outside the swamp because, well, you are going to die a few times until you can get iron armor and equipment. Having some backup gear for death runs also helps.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Skylar replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:24:02 pm PDT

How far in the swamp is your gear? is another biome next to the swamp? Same as above I had troll and bronze. I also live off my bow and kill anything I see even at a distance. And run like heck when I get an abomination at the start lol.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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ec928 replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:26:03 pm PDT

just eat some food, rest, and run naked back in, grab your stuff and run out... And if you die a few more times, no big deal, you'll eventually get your stuff. This is assuming you built a bed or portal close by so if you haven't done that, do it
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Zigzag replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:28:16 pm PDT

Originally posted by TVMAN:
What gear are you using? I first explored the swamp and mined my first iron with upgraded troll armor, a bronze buckler, a bronze mace, and poison resistance/healing potions. I also set up a portal outpost just outside the swamp because, well, you are going to die a few times until you can get iron armor and equipment. Having some backup gear for death runs also helps.

Yep, had all the bronze gear, food, name it, I thought I was ready. Got stomped by two camps? I dont know, my gear is out there and Im making all new stuff now. Not a big deal, I have tons of troll gear I can put together. But the fact of the matter is, I was there for a few minutes and yeah, Im not going back to that, Im not sure its worth it at this point.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Zigzag replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:29:58 pm PDT

Originally posted by ec928:
just eat some food, rest, and run naked back in, grab your stuff and run out... And if you die a few more times, no big deal, you'll eventually get your stuff. This is assuming you built a bed or portal close by so if you haven't done that, do it

Yes, I have a bed close to the swamp, set up my portal, got a nice house, fenced in yard. I was ready to get my labrador out and call it a night. Well, they ate my dog and ♥♥♥♥ on my lawn.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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ec928 replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:31:11 pm PDT

I'd suggest sticking it out. The swamps give you one of the biggest upgrades of the game. Once you grab some iron and start to make iron armor and weapons, you'll be significantly stronger
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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AugustusKron replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:31:27 pm PDT

fortifications, paths, walls.. hammer and hoe are what you use to conquer the swamp.. don't expect to walk in and steal the riches of the swamp.. you gotta pacify it a little first.. really just a few walls here and there makes life much easier, and paths are a necessity.. but then you drain the iron out no problems..

stuff like this
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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TVMAN replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:34:25 pm PDT

Originally posted by Zigzag:
Yep, had all the bronze gear, food, name it, I thought I was ready. Got stomped by two camps? I dont know, my gear is out there and Im making all new stuff now. Not a big deal, I have tons of troll gear I can put together. But the fact of the matter is, I was there for a few minutes and yeah, Im not going back to that, Im not sure its worth it at this point.

The iron is 100% worth it. The entrails you get from draugrs and the bloodbags from leeches are also ingredients for a couple of the best mid-game meals in the game right now. Hell, I still use sausages as one of my main non-boss health providing meals and I'm well into the plains.

Not sure what you mean by you got stomped by two camps. Were you overwhelmed with spawner mobs?

Also for food, just to check you're using cauldron meals right? Stuff like deer stew, minced meat sauce, and turnip stew? You need around 100hp to properly fight draugrs because they hit like a truck.

As suggested above, take a hoe with you and use it to flatten the terrain to where you need to go. Not being forced to wade through water constantly makes moving around easier and safer. Take it slow, snipe draugrs when you see them, and if you start to get overwhelmed then run back in the direction you came from. Panick-running through the swamp will just aggro other swamp denizens.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Gregomoto replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:46:42 pm PDT

It‘s like in every biome:
Meadows: cut a tree boom, dead
Dark Forrest: see the first troll, dead
Swamp: see first starred Bow Draugr, dead
Mountains: see first starred Wolf, dead
Plains: …oh nice butterfly, …oh wait, dead
Just get over it and come back better and stronger.
Its a funny game :)
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Zigzag replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:56:56 pm PDT

Everyone, thank you for the honest information/feedback. Greatly appreciated. I guess I did go out kind of "hey look, glowie stuff", "lets take a look" and BAM, stuff was spawnen att me out of the ground, two different colors ( green and purple?) then, I looked at my health and by the time I went for a pot, Im layen nekked on my cot.

But anyway, thanks all, you may have talked me off the ledge.:steamhappy:
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Sound replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 2:59:50 pm PDT

Originally posted by Zigzag:
Everyone, thank you for the honest information/feedback. Greatly appreciated. I guess I did go out kind of "hey look, glowie stuff", "lets take a look" and BAM, stuff was spawnen att me out of the ground, two different colors ( green and purple?) then, I looked at my health and by the time I went for a pot, Im layen nekked on my cot.

But anyway, thanks all, you may have talked me off the ledge.:steamhappy:
hey if you need any help retrieving your gear, I can join and help you out
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Zep Tepi replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 3:05:34 pm PDT

Oh yeah, you walked into a spawner nest. No wonder you had problems! Next time listen for the sound of flies. That means a spawner is near. You can take them out with arrows, but they will spawn nasty stuff when they are damaged so either proceed with caution, or leave them a lot of room. Usually spawners are in small stone circles or in stone ruins.

If you are very careful you can naked sneak and dash to get your stuff back, or at the very least, move your gear further away from the spawners. I say naked because if your stuff doesn't fit neatly back in your inventory, your best stuff might be left behind, or you may get swatted while messing with the inventory screen. Food and poison potion can improve your chances on a corpse run. Good luck!
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Gregomoto replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 3:17:15 pm PDT

Originally posted by Zep Tepi:
Oh yeah, you walked into a spawner nest. No wonder you had problems! Next time listen for the sound of flies. That means a spawner is near. You can take them out with arrows, but they will spawn nasty stuff when they are damaged so either proceed with caution, or leave them a lot of room. Usually spawners are in small stone circles or in stone ruins.

Just to add:
There are also Draugr Spawner in some abandoned Villages in the Meadows.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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Flare |UKCS| replied to Five minutes in the swamp. March 22, 2022 @ 3:19:45 pm PDT

Corpse runs are a lot easier now it allows you to pick up your stuff even if its more than your none belt weight, this makes it a lot easier to pick up and run.
To do the Swamp just make a decent base to retreat to, and then take on the enemy piece by piece... its not a zone you can run into and 'deal' with it, no work your your way through it... use the hoe to level ground to fill up some water ways, and make the run back with iron easier.
12:13 am, March 23, 2022
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