more than 2* mobs?

I am in a vanilla server and stumbled across a 3* wolf and a 4* Drake, I didn't think they went above a 2* would someone have been able to spawn random level mobs onto the server for other players to stumble across or is this just a weird glitch?

I killed the Drake and tried to tame the wolf but died to a hunt event. About to try and go back to get my gear and see if the wolf is still there.
8:13 pm, July 10, 2021
Morrowend 0 comments 0 likes

Macdallan replied to more than 2* mobs? July 10, 2021 @ 12:36:28 pm PDT

There's at least one mod out there that can do that, so maybe your server isn't vanilla after all. Anyone with access to the console and dev commands can spawn items and enemies and it does allow you to select the level, but just using the spawn command may not allow enemies above 2 star (level 3) without a mod. I did a quick search and didn't find much info about that.
8:13 pm, July 10, 2021
0 comments 0 likes

Morrowend replied to more than 2* mobs? July 10, 2021 @ 1:02:02 pm PDT

thanks, it might be that someone had a mod able to spawn them, I guess some mods don't need to be server side, but when I made it back to the spot the wolf was still there in my pit.
showing as 0 stars, so maybe it was just a glitch *shrugs*

ah well, tamed wolves are always fun, they can at least help me on my way home, will breed them on the mountain and move down in a pack.
8:13 pm, July 10, 2021
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