Idea: Reduce skill drain the more bosses you kill

After all the more bosses you kill the harder the game gets and the more times you are expected to die.

I am sure there are those out there that just want to say "get gud NOOB" But to be totally honest the new Myst lands can really catch you off guard and wreck you fast. I have had streaks where the no skill drain wears off and then 5 minutes later 4 seekers jump out of the myst to rip me to pieces. Or 3 ticks get on my back from the gjarll the you didn't see in the fog. The terrain in the Mystlands 10x harder with reduced space and minor elevation changes. Death can happen so fast and so many times in a row that skill drain becomes a serious problem.

In my current play through I have lost at least 50% of my skill points. Wood chopping, once over 50, is now below 10. Many of the lower skills like swimming are back to 0. There is nothing more discouraging than building up the character though hours of game play only to wind up back at the beginning. It is just not fun and frankly I am getting to the point were I want to stop playing.

You did such a good job with the resource gathering not feeling like a grind that I can't see you wanting us to have to make up in game tricks so we can grind our skills back up after they have been whittled away due to death penalties. Hell the corpse run alone in the mystlands can take 10 minutes depending on the terrain. That is enough of a penalty all on it's own.

Food for thought.
9:13 am, March 1, 2023
lordxabbu 0 comments 0 likes