shields vs dodging

I'm more of a dodging type that focuses on being out of range and doing quick attacks and bailing and I'm interested if people here are more into shields or playing darksouls like me
9:13 pm, February 16, 2023
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Sound replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:13:58 pm PST

I've played through Elden Ring so I know a lot about dodge rolls, but I still prefer parrying. It's a bit easier for me, and staggering enemies allows you to do a lot more damage than normal.

It also allows you to control the situation better since they get stunned for a few seconds, and you kill them faster since you spend less time running away and more time doing crit damage.
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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FissionChips replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:17:08 pm PST

Parrying gets you a damage advantage, dodging doesn't. If dodging had a benefit as well I might consider it, for now it's only useful vs things you're too weak to parry - which is still a big use vs dying.
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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Rhapsody replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:17:21 pm PST

Stamina cost for dodging is based on movement speed penalty from equipment. There are some light armor sets in the game, but no late-game "skirmisher" type of set currently. Many times you can simply avoid being hit by walking away unless you are wearing heavy armor and carrying heavy weapons. However, the Fenris armor set is pretty solid choice, even in mistlands, if you keep your wits about you. Using light armor also won't exclude you from using a shield, but if you never train your blocking skill even a little bit through the game, it likely won't serve as a useful backup defensive measure.

Some weapons (mostly two-handed) like atgeirs and large axes have secondary attacks or other means of staggering enemies. Some weapons can also have high knockback attributes or deal frost damage which slows down movement (but not attacks) of enemies, making them easier to read and avoid.

Combining all aspects of defense – blocking, dodging, and attacking pre-emptively with staggering blows (or sneak attacks) – tends to yield best results, in my experience. The latter two are of course not available on bosses, but some of them summon adds so you should be familiar with their staggering limits and other things regardless.

Spellcasting in late game will open up further opportunities while reducing potential of the traditional ones due to how it works with the food system.
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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ministrog replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:22:07 pm PST

A successful parry will use less stamina. Unfortunately you'll find yourself in situations where there's more enemies that don't attack at the same time. As other's have said already, some starred enemies can be parried a small number of times before you character gets run over. Some can have multiple strong attacks.

keep you wits about ya
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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DanieLLegion replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:22:07 pm PST

Today i try first time shield. :retrowave:
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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Eradan replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:30:31 pm PST

I jump. I don't use the dodge roll and I don't use shields. I simply jump out of reach, or behind the enemy.
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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TucoEi replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:51:08 pm PST

shields is best because of the extra damage from a parry
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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jonnin replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:55:11 pm PST

If you dodge right you can get a backside hit for extra on slower things or confused things. Its not easy to pull off. Most of the 'troll class' big boys have a slow attack that locks them in place for this technique.
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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Servant of Seraph replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 3:57:27 pm PST

Parrying > staggering > crit damage can't be beat.
3:13 am, February 17, 2023
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Suzaku replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 12:57:04 pm PST

Dodging has its place, but parrying is where it's at. Face your foe without fear, deflect their pathetic assault, then crush them with crit damage.
9:13 pm, February 16, 2023
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Hobo Misanthropus replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:03:20 pm PST

Dodging is for enemies that hit too hard to parry. Usually two-star mobs if you haven't fully upgarded your kit (For example, the mistlands right now, depending on your food, parrying a two-star seeker might not be possible). Some build types like dual knives or greatsword, might also not parry things particularly well.
9:13 pm, February 16, 2023
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jonnin replied to shields vs dodging February 16, 2023 @ 1:07:23 pm PST

both methods work well. Some enemy may be too much for your shield or skills, and moving away is a good plan. Some enemy groups are too fast to avoid them all, and soaking up a few hits behind a shield is a good plan.
9:13 pm, February 16, 2023
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