Drakes attacking Stone Golem... why?

Why are the drakes continuously attacking stone golem... they can't damage the thing, it's immune to frost. So what's the point?
8:13 am, July 14, 2021
Guillaume 0 comments 0 likes

Trops60 replied to Drakes attacking Stone Golem... why? July 14, 2021 @ 9:29:57 am PDT

lol sorta like superman with krypnite and the sun
5:13 pm, July 14, 2021
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RasaNova replied to Drakes attacking Stone Golem... why? July 14, 2021 @ 4:25:14 am PDT

Originally posted by Guillaume:
Why are the drakes continuously attacking stone golem... they can't damage the thing, it's immune to frost. So what's the point?
Maybe drakes use golems for target practice. Or maybe that's how they play.

Oh I know: Golems need a source of supercharged cold to keep their crystals charged, so over time they've evolved the ability to convert drake's intense frost attack into cold energy which charges their crystals and helps them grow stronger.
2:13 pm, July 14, 2021
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DarkSlayerofDarkness replied to Drakes attacking Stone Golem... why? July 14, 2021 @ 1:52:39 am PDT

I use it as an opening to do whatever while the golem is occupied.

In general, just some interaction between the species. It's better with it, then without.
11:13 am, July 14, 2021
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Mharr replied to Drakes attacking Stone Golem... why? July 14, 2021 @ 3:23:49 am PDT

It wouldn't hurt if monsters generally recognised hopeless fights and retreated after a while, but maybe drakes are just dumb.
11:13 am, July 14, 2021
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