1h waiting for the wind

Friend then, without any input, 1h afk to the mast, has his char fall in water. Not even the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ babyswim these "vikings" have that killed him, but a mosquito cruising over the sea.
Since day 1, sailing is pure ♥♥♥♥.
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
Galo 0 comments 0 likes

ApocNizmith replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 11:02:37 am PST

Originally posted by Memento Mori:
Originally posted by ApocNizmith:

Turns your ship into a motor boat fueled on surtling cores. Otherwise forget about it, boats are snails pace slow.

Use a end game power... that you probably have to sail to get, then sail back, run halfway across a entire continent to activate after you already spent 2-6 hours sailing to obtain for a small boost to sailing speed... Yes that is what you said.

MOD IT MY DUDE! Half of the tediously slow BS design choices are fixed with mods until the devs finally realize games like that need a QoL pass.
sail there and back? do you not use portals?

Eggs for tribute to summon Moder are not able to go through portal, need to sail there. Then make multiple trips from boat to area as they weight 200lbs each. Set up portal in case you manage to get wrecked, still got to get the boat home, so despite portals you will end up sailing it home at some point anyway.
12:13 am, December 11, 2022
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Virusboy replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 7:22:36 am PST

Well, i find sailing very relaxing unless i decide to make it a challenge. Sometimes you speed other times its gentle plod. Really enjoying the game and in no hurry to race to the end game content, on my way to building a swamp base and killing the 3rd boss. There is actually a fair amount of stuff to keep me occupied and all that after already finishing the pre mistlands content.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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ec928 replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 7:26:12 am PST

If you only want to go 100m (or are surrounded by land) just "row" (i.e. speed 1) for a minute or less then pick up your boat and run.

If you're in the middle of the ocean with no land around you, do it like everyone did 400+ years ago, and sail at near right angles to the wind.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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warrenchmobile replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 7:49:43 am PST

Originally posted by Galo:
...Since day 1, sailing is pure ♥♥♥♥.

Exactly as it was for real vikings in real life. Yet they did it anyway.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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MaddogDino replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 8:22:49 am PST

Many a crew were lost to the open seas, drifting into oblivion due to lack of the Wind.
Ill prepared expeditions are a voyage to the depths.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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ec928 replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 8:29:54 am PST

Originally posted by MaddogDino:
Many a crew were lost to the open seas, drifting into oblivion due to lack of the Wind.
Ill prepared expeditions are a voyage to the depths.
When there was no wind they used to row. But that rarely happened as sails became more and more efficient at using even low winds.

Anyway, Valheim doesn't have this problem: sails are extremely efficient and act like there is ALWAYS wind in Valheim. If you wanted it more realistic, more people would complain.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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ApocNizmith replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 8:30:00 am PST

Originally posted by warrenchmobile:
Originally posted by Galo:
...Since day 1, sailing is pure ♥♥♥♥.

Exactly as it was for real vikings in real life. Yet they did it anyway.

The Vikings also has 18 men that could row a Karve at a speed of 10 knots (19km/h, or 12mph), and with wind it could move at a speed exceeding 15 knots (28km/h or 17mph), and Viking longships usually held 40-45 men and would be rowed by 40 men at a time and would exceed speeds of 35 knots (64km/h or 40mph) and with proper sailing conditions would exceed 51 knots (94.5km/h or 58mph). To put that into perspective these boats were as fast or faster than primitive automobiles, and a long ship is faster than a modern naval Destroyer. Nothing in Valheim even closely reflects what it was like to sail one of those ships, and none of those ships were able to be manned or rowed by a single man.

The games sailing system is hot trash, if they added some form of NPC thrall system like conan, or just let the ship row mechanic move as though it was being rowed by a full crew of men than it wouldn't even be an issue.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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Uthael replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 8:30:25 am PST

OOOOOR you can zig-zag and let the wind help you instead of facing against it. Bruteforcing your way against nature often leads to frustrating results.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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Memento Mori replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 9:21:14 am PST

Originally posted by ApocNizmith:
Originally posted by Galo:
Friend then, without any input, 1h afk to the mast, has his char fall in water. Not even the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ babyswim these "vikings" have that killed him, but a mosquito cruising over the sea.
Since day 1, sailing is pure ♥♥♥♥.

Turns your ship into a motor boat fueled on surtling cores. Otherwise forget about it, boats are snails pace slow.

Originally posted by blankitosonic:
Try to use moder power when the wind is in troll mode

Use a end game power... that you probably have to sail to get, then sail back, run halfway across a entire continent to activate after you already spent 2-6 hours sailing to obtain for a small boost to sailing speed... Yes that is what you said.

MOD IT MY DUDE! Half of the tediously slow BS design choices are fixed with mods until the devs finally realize games like that need a QoL pass.
sail there and back? do you not use portals?
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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Vinegaroon replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 9:44:04 am PST

ProvideD the wind is blowing the wrong way. Use your points of sail my friend, You can sail at 45 degrees into the wind. Try at close hauled or close reach. Tack across irons and change approach.

If it ain’t blowing well then thats sad.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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katsuragi replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 10:08:36 am PST

whatever... sailing is my favorite part of the game. In storms I bring the camera all the way in so it's almost 1st person and I stand at the front of the ship and watch the waves roll.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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Django_ replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 6:27:17 am PST

skill issue
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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blankitosonic replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 6:28:25 am PST

Try to use moder power when the wind is in troll mode
Anyway you dont deppends full on the wind for moving , speed at 1 let you move the boat....slowly
Never use a raft
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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ApocNizmith replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 6:42:07 am PST

Originally posted by Galo:
Friend then, without any input, 1h afk to the mast, has his char fall in water. Not even the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ babyswim these "vikings" have that killed him, but a mosquito cruising over the sea.
Since day 1, sailing is pure ♥♥♥♥.

Turns your ship into a motor boat fueled on surtling cores. Otherwise forget about it, boats are snails pace slow.

Originally posted by blankitosonic:
Try to use moder power when the wind is in troll mode

Use a end game power... that you probably have to sail to get, then sail back, run halfway across a entire continent to activate after you already spent 2-6 hours sailing to obtain for a small boost to sailing speed... Yes that is what you said.

MOD IT MY DUDE! Half of the tediously slow BS design choices are fixed with mods until the devs finally realize games like that need a QoL pass.
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
0 comments 0 likes

Galo replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 6:48:15 am PST

yup, came back to try the game again with mistland, all the garbage came back to memory too ...
i'll give a go at those mods thanks ApocNizmith !
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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ApocNizmith replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 6:54:07 am PST

Originally posted by Galo:
yup, came back to try the game again with mistland, all the garbage came back to memory too ...
i'll give a go at those mods thanks ApocNizmith !

I would suggest a few Mods:
Valheim + to increase inventory and box sizes, harvest rates and XP gains.
Surtling Core boats fixes issues with slow boats without being super cheaty as you still have to farm cores out. You can adjust the config files for it to make it not use them if you want but I like he fact that there is a fuel cost.
Plant Everything, does what it says it does including mushrooms, berries and landscaping plants.

Without those 3 mods the game is entirely too tedious for me. Hope it helps.
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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blankitosonic replied to 1h waiting for the wind December 10, 2022 @ 7:08:53 am PST

Originally posted by ApocNizmith:
Originally posted by Galo:
Friend then, without any input, 1h afk to the mast, has his char fall in water. Not even the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ babyswim these "vikings" have that killed him, but a mosquito cruising over the sea.
Since day 1, sailing is pure ♥♥♥♥.

Turns your ship into a motor boat fueled on surtling cores. Otherwise forget about it, boats are snails pace slow.

Originally posted by blankitosonic:
Try to use moder power when the wind is in troll mode

Use a end game power... that you probably have to sail to get, then sail back, run halfway across a entire continent to activate after you already spent 2-6 hours sailing to obtain for a small boost to sailing speed... Yes that is what you said.

MOD IT MY DUDE! Half of the tediously slow BS design choices are fixed with mods until the devs finally realize games like that need a QoL pass.
Skill issue for you my bruh
Who the heck do all that ? Thats why there is portals in the game , try to play smart and less cry : get materials for portals in your boat , when you are in your destination use it and change the power you want , do the same when needs to return in the boat with metals
And end game power
? XDdddd
There is 2 more bosses after the dragon now , it literally after mid game power now
3:13 pm, December 10, 2022
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