the plains

i find the mosiqutios and the fuling to be just a little over powered
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
warcheese 0 comments 0 likes

redgreen999 replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 7:56:47 pm PST

its the current end game. Think its meant to be hard at 1st. Its similar to the jump from black forest to swamp.

Oil blobs are worse yet at first go. I haven't had trouble with fulings until there were 6 around me with a beserker. Unless fulings are starred, they don't have a lot of hit points. The atgeir has a secondary attack that is good for crowd control when there are 2 or 3 of them.

Once you get drops you can make a fire resistance potion and work towards padded armor.

Deathsqutios haven't killed me yet. I have silver armor and they only take maybe 30 hp on surprise attack. Then I wait for them to circle around and when they come straight in I use secondary atgeir attack again. 1 hit takes them out. I have not had more than 2 at a time so far.

Oil blobs I have not figured out yet. I think we all need to tame a lox about the 1st thing. Maybe 2 lox. That is my next game goal.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 7:58:48 pm PST

They are. You have to engage carefully at first.

I would recommend having fully upgraded Iron gear before even stepping foot into the plains. Even then. Do so cautiously. Use ranged attacks. Stay as well fed as your supplies allow. Even the swamps just got kicked up a few notches... I think they're going the way of the "souls" games. So if that's not your thing and you're a casual like me, maybe post your issue, or consider a different pass-time.

For the plains. Have plenty of Medium Health Potions, have some stamina potions, and definitely make sure you're bringing your best arrows. Anything less than obsidian is just gonna flop...
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 7:59:54 pm PST

Redgreen. You have 500 hours in the game. Warcheese does not. Please try to see it from their perspective.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:02:46 pm PST


The skeetos are a huge PITA. Best thing to do is be a sharpshooter to pick them off from a distance, or practice the block against them. Just because you don't full parry them doesn't mean you didn't block properly.

They also follow a pattern of attack. They'll try to circle you until the AI thinks they have a straight shot at a weak point. Exploit that.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:05:12 pm PST

Redgreen, for the Oil blobs, the only thing I've found effective is to engage at max distance with a bow, the best arrows you have, and kite. It's the only way I've found to deal with them. Melee is almost certain death....
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:08:04 pm PST

At least if no more than 2 are around.... Melee is possible with 2 if you're fully fed by plains level food, have appropriate health potions, and have the weapons available by having been in the plains. Other than that. Engage from a distance, and fall back. Anything else is death.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Jaunitta 🌸 replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:23:29 pm PST

The Mosquitos dont seem to attack at night time.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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redgreen999 replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:24:14 pm PST

Originally posted by Breezie:
Redgreen. You have 500 hours in the game. Warcheese does not. Please try to see it from their perspective.

Yea will I guess I suck at this game cause I I just got to plains yesterday. I came in silver armour, I mostly build things and yes just go around the edges at first. You can sometimes get help if you find a good location. I had a troll on the edge of plains dropping fulings and I believe a berserker as well. Didn't see that 1st hand, but berserker was following me and next trip to camp, there was 1 less berserker.

But I decided to speed things up tonight and cleared out a Fuling village. I did die, but its clear now and I have over 30 black metal from that and other nice stuff. Its ok to die in this game, just have back up gear and don't die right in the center of a fuling camp or on top of a bodypile. Everything will be alright. Its just a game.

I stayed away from Plains for a long time cause I heard horror stories about Deathsquitos, but I believe those were people that wandered into the plains wearing troll armour. They have been a meh for me. Maybe I am yet to run into a swarm of 6.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:37:36 pm PST

Look. Nobody's trying to call anyone here a "noob" or say "get gud". I'm just saying. By what I can see, you have much more time in the game, and that alone grants some greater understanding of the mechanics.

Secondly, I will state that you did not add anything to the conversation, but rather went on a tirade about your luck. I'm glad you were lucky, but that's not everyone's experience. Again. Please try to address the things as they come up, and with thoughtful approach. OP was asking for advice. Not a summary of your personal experience.

This game can be quite random, and everyone experiences different things in the course.

No offense intended here, but you started banging on about your experience rather quickly, and continued to do so. The OP is asking for advice. Not tales. That's what I'm getting at with all this.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:39:29 pm PST

Juanitta, I have noticed the same. There are far fewer of them at night, but there are more "gobins" or Fulings...
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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redgreen999 replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:41:06 pm PST

Originally posted by Breezie:

The skeetos are a huge PITA. Best thing to do is be a sharpshooter to pick them off from a distance, or practice the block against them. Just because you don't full parry them doesn't mean you didn't block properly.

They also follow a pattern of attack. They'll try to circle you until the AI thinks they have a straight shot at a weak point. Exploit that.

Atgier is best really. You should always have it equipped because skeeters usually surprise you from out of nowhere. With the Atgier equipped, hit middle mouse button as soon as it hits you, end of skeeter. Atgier is hardly mentioned but its secondary attack can hit multiple targets with no penalty for the additional hits. It does knockback and yest it can be used to block also. The block was buffed on it in a update. Fulings can surprise you too. With a bow or sword and shield you can not instant retaliate like a Atgier allows.

I always have Atgier equipped and then switch to bow if I see something before it spots me. Mosquitoes are a very small target and difficult to see at range anyway. Only time I got in any trouble with a skeeter is when I was walking around with a bow. Cause it got 2 hits in before I could equip my atgier.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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caroraim replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:48:55 pm PST

Difficulty is definitely up. I played literally around 2 thousand hours in souls games as well as many other souls-likes. I don't mind hard games, but all the tweaks seem to up the difficulty and the plains biome is certainly a spike. It wasn't this hard a couple of months ago. It's both good and bad, imo.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:52:27 pm PST


Agreed. It was more casual a few months ago. I think the devs may want to consider a difficulty setting in order to allow best desired experience for the player(s) at the time of start of the world.

Just making it more difficult isn't really finishing the game, IMO. That's what I think they should be doing. Get the other half of the map ready for testing, at the minimum.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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Breezie replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 8:58:58 pm PST

Anyway. Warcheese. Get the best armor you can muster. Whether Iron or silver. Get the Fang and obsidian arrows. From there, if you're good with a bow, I would advise assassinating 'skeeters from a distance, and collecting the needles they leave behind.

From there, start gathering the resources the fulings drop. Then build up on raids.

All the while, remain as well fed as you can, with the highest level foods available to you, and always know when to retreat. Potions help.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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MarcoPants replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 9:35:34 pm PST

Originally posted by Breezie:
Redgreen, for the Oil blobs, the only thing I've found effective is to engage at max distance with a bow, the best arrows you have, and kite. It's the only way I've found to deal with them. Melee is almost certain death....
If melee is certain death then why can I run in a circle around the blob within my sword's reach in full iron armor with my weapons out and not get hit? Arrows are certainly one way to go about killing them, but melee is not the death sentence you're making it out to be.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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