Hosting a Valheim World

Does anyone know how demanding a Valheim world would be to run off my computer for friends to join? Talking about just starting a world and then hosting it so my friends can join it, but I don't know if it will cause me to lag a lot.
6:13 am, November 15, 2021
Lego10man 0 comments 0 likes

Isaac_Clark replied to Hosting a Valheim World November 14, 2021 @ 8:39:02 pm PST

Naw, I haven't noticed any extra cpu or gpu load while hosting. The network code is middling, but that's pretty standard for an early access game from a small developer. But the bits of lag you might encounter are worth it; this game is GREAT with friends.
6:13 am, November 15, 2021
0 comments 0 likes