Event triggers at other locations?

Why is it that events such as skeleton surprise, you are being hunted etc. keep triggering at bases I have not even been to in a while or when i am at my home base they trigger at other bases. This makes no sense. should not they trigger where ia m?
5:13 pm, July 20, 2021
cwc0025 0 comments 0 likes

blankitosonic replied to Event triggers at other locations? July 20, 2021 @ 7:36:29 am PDT

Events dont need a stated or a long time in the place to trigger , only hace 5% of trigger each 45 mins if u are near 3 buildings and if u already killed some bosses , at least with skeleton surprise
Wolves event can trigger in anyplace u walk arround mountains and plains , dont need buildings requeriments
5:13 pm, July 20, 2021
0 comments 0 likes