Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes?

I like the little bushes in the meadows and plains but I would love to get seeds for them so I can plant them around my bases . I'm worried about chopping the ones that are already there in case I want to keep them around. I think it would be neat to plant them so i can make my house pretty.
3:13 am, January 3, 2023
Elliot 0 comments 0 likes

Lil brekky replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 7:15:11 pm PST

Hiking to the same damn berry spawn every 2-3 days isnt "experiencing the world", it is tedium. If that logic held, why why are carrots turnips onions plantable? Shouldnt they exclusively spawn randomly, full grown, or drop from mobs, to encourage players to "experience the world"?

Why is "experiencing the world" even a basis for design decisions when the world is a smear of copypasted semi-emptiness?

Nono sir - players have shown that their preferred way of "experiencing the world" isnt by pacing the same path over and over again, but by rearranging that world, investing in tools that allow them to reshape it to perfection.

Show me the player who would be disappointed to unlock the ability to dig up or plant berry bushes. Tell me how their play experience would be worsened by that.
6:13 am, January 3, 2023
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Gladi8er65 replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 7:36:25 pm PST

Originally posted by Lil brekky:
Hiking to the same damn berry spawn every 2-3 days isnt "experiencing the world", it is tedium. If that logic held, why why are carrots turnips onions plantable? Shouldnt they exclusively spawn randomly, full grown, or drop from mobs, to encourage players to "experience the world"?

Why is "experiencing the world" even a basis for design decisions when the world is a smear of copypasted semi-emptiness?

Nono sir - players have shown that their preferred way of "experiencing the world" isnt by pacing the same path over and over again, but by rearranging that world, investing in tools that allow them to reshape it to perfection.

Show me the player who would be disappointed to unlock the ability to dig up or plant berry bushes. Tell me how their play experience would be worsened by that.

"Experiencing the world" was one of the main reasons the metal restrictions were put on portals, which is why I assume the seedless berries were along the same lines.

I don't KNOW why berries aren't plantable, but I sure don't think it was something that just got overlooked during development... Those biomes were already developed and fleshed out, and they knew damn well which plants they chose to not have seeds... The reason ??? who knows, but i wouldn't count on it changing in the vanilla game,
6:13 am, January 3, 2023
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Shealladh replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 8:44:23 pm PST

Imagine if our world worked with the same design flaws.

You wake in the morning, you catch a flight to Brasil, Columbia based on your favourite type of coffee, once you finished your wake up call, on the flight to the tropics so you can stop by and grab a few bananas and add to your corn flakes, and settle for the local sheeps' milk to moisten them, you then head home to have a shower.

You then catch a bus to the local shop to grab a towel so you can dry off, choose you clothes for the day nearby, then head off to work.....

You boss is not happy you're late, you remind him that you needed to "go out and experience the world", and gently remind them that they could otherwise provide the coffee if they liked and you could be in earlier.
6:13 am, January 3, 2023
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Andros replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 4:47:29 pm PST

Originally posted by Venix:
Originally posted by DarthTanyon:
Also in Mistlands there is a tree that also does not give seeds which is quite annoying.. everything should have seeds and the ability to grow it.

Wasn't this the case for the Birch trees for a long time?
Birch and oak
3:13 am, January 3, 2023
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Gladi8er65 replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 7:05:14 pm PST

Originally posted by DarthTanyon:
You sure can.. with mods.. another thing we have asked for.. since day 1.

Also in Mistlands there is a tree that also does not give seeds which is quite annoying.. everything should have seeds and the ability to grow it.

My impression is that certain plants not having seeds, was a conscious decision, not just some oversight they intend to "fix later".

I think the idea is / was, to "nudge" the player to go out and experience the world, instead of kicking back at the "compound", growing every type of resource possible.

I can't say for certain, but my money would be on not ever seeing "all plants give seeds" in the vanilla game.

Exactly why they "allow but not support" mods.
3:13 am, January 3, 2023
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DarthTanyon replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 4:23:21 pm PST

You sure can.. with mods.. another thing we have asked for.. since day 1.

Also in Mistlands there is a tree that also does not give seeds which is quite annoying.. everything should have seeds and the ability to grow it.
3:13 am, January 3, 2023
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Venix replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 4:32:46 pm PST

Originally posted by DarthTanyon:
Also in Mistlands there is a tree that also does not give seeds which is quite annoying.. everything should have seeds and the ability to grow it.

Wasn't this the case for the Birch trees for a long time?
3:13 am, January 3, 2023
0 comments 0 likes