The update put a mountain in my living room.
I new the mistlands update would mess with my base but there is now a mountain only on my loot. All of it. Just it. The picture is as low as it will go and I build my base up like 3m to start with. I can't move the loot. We should have the ability to change minimum dig height.
Please add the ability to go back before the update, I mean why not? You specifically keep the old saves.
Please add the ability to go back before the update, I mean why not? You specifically keep the old saves.
12:13 pm, December 10, 2022
Darkbolt{AWG} replied to The update put a mountain in my living room. December 10, 2022 @ 4:48:17 pm PST
get a pick axe lol
6:13 am, December 11, 2022
TinyGiraffes replied to The update put a mountain in my living room. December 10, 2022 @ 9:26:16 pm PST
You can only dig so deep get a pick axe lol
6:13 am, December 11, 2022
TinyGiraffes replied to The update put a mountain in my living room. December 10, 2022 @ 10:01:06 am PST
All my loot is gone forever. There is no way to get it or revert the save or anything. I'm back in the copper age + a farm and portals. The reason why I updated is because I assumed my tree base would fall and I could just pick up the loot. Yeah...consider yourself lucky. Despite them saying only newly explored areas would generate the Mistlands content, my base in an old Mistlands area was suddenly floating in the air above a deep lake. Not only did the house fall apart, but I was stranded for hours because the portal ingredients don't float.
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
vanflyhightanzek replied to The update put a mountain in my living room. December 10, 2022 @ 10:05:51 am PST
Sounds reasonable given you built in a area that's under development
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
TinyGiraffes replied to The update put a mountain in my living room. December 10, 2022 @ 10:12:34 am PST
Have you seen the new area? I build a tree base and can access every area excluding my loot room. I was totally ready to abandon this base. I even have a new base started, just no loot to put in it or finish it. Let me be super clear on just how unlucky this is. The mountain spawned like a line over my base. It covers exactly one side of my loot room, it extends and on the other side is exactly all my furnaces. The whole rest of my base is fine and it was a great place to live because no monsters spawned there. Every other game lets you go back saves. This game even saves old version saves automatically. Pretty reasonable to think I could go back. Sounds reasonable given you built in a area that's under development
6:13 pm, December 10, 2022
a.mcbob replied to The update put a mountain in my living room. December 10, 2022 @ 4:11:38 am PST
Yeah...consider yourself lucky. Despite them saying only newly explored areas would generate the Mistlands content, my base in an old Mistlands area was suddenly floating in the air above a deep lake. Not only did the house fall apart, but I was stranded for hours because the portal ingredients don't float.
12:13 pm, December 10, 2022