Ogro replied to About mistlands and infested mines (too dificult imho) February 20, 2023 @ 12:41:25 pm PST

Originally posted by DarthTanyon:
This is a bit of an issue for sure especially if you are solo, You can often lure them back to the entrance and get to a place where they can almost not reach you and cheese them.

You can also kite them around areas you have already been. Also, make sure you are using 2 health foods, 1 stam, have health potions on you and the bonemass buff.

What armor and weapons are you using if I may ask?

You might be doing all these things by no means am I trying to say you are not I do remember my first time I died in 2 hits to a 1 star seeker and made a similar post but I was not using the bonemass buff and my food had run pretty low so I only had about 120 health.

These are more or less just checks to make sure you have these things.

Hi, i had more than 120 health, previous tier armor maximized, black sword and shield. And bonemas skill. I know when entering is a mini "secure" zone. I kicked them with haldberg (long range) and ALL went into the "safe" zone xDD. If i run into mine, sure i would get more monsters, i killed 3 or 4 seekers, but the solidier, with one only weak point.. well , too hard in that position.

Zed Tepi has said very well before , it should be and upgrade, before gettin into mines
9:13 pm, February 20, 2023
Ogro 0 comments 0 likes