DeGreZet replied to few annoying things that can't be considered as "gameplay features" but just bad design April 16, 2022 @ 4:08:34 am PDT

Originally posted by electricdawn:
Draugr can't run under water. They merely trod along very slowly. The only enemy I've seen able to climb steep inclines very quickly are wolves. And that is absolutely fine, since I know what my dog can do, and she is VERY capable and very fast in climbing at least 80 degree inclines.

Troll raids are fine. Just kite them away and deal with them mano a mano if you have at least swamp gear. Stun block them, then kill them quickly with an abyssal razor.

but there are some enemies, which can, like trolls, ogres and skeletons for example, it looks just ridiculous when u are trying to move Ur boat slowly and see these skelletons running after U 20m under the water

and about troll raids -
yeah I know, but it's kinda hard to do it when it's a storm for example, stamina is slowed af and U can't hide anywhere cause they are destroying ur base
11:13 am, April 16, 2022
DeGreZet 0 comments 0 likes