FSHerrante replied to Died in a Mountain in a separate island, and I just stopped caring. December 25, 2022 @ 12:19:58 pm PST

Originally posted by Gensoukyou1337:
I got hit by a Drake's frost attack while I was wet and at 55 damage and I died instantly. I restored a backup from the Cloud Save for my character but then I realized I had to get my boat back from that other island. So I just... deleted my world and character data. I was just... tired. I probably should've just waited for that Frost Resistance Potion to be done before venturing to that patch of the Mountains, though...

You can activate the dev commands temporally and fly to your boat. This is a trick, i know, but sometimes is necessary if you really want to recover your boat or loot from unacessable location without spend many resources and time.
9:13 pm, December 25, 2022
FSHerrante 0 comments 0 likes