indigo replied to New But May Not Be For Long October 17, 2022 @ 9:10:35 pm PST

I've never said Valheim was "too hard". I've thousands of hours in far more difficult games - Empyrion: Galactic Survival, No Man's Sky, Dying Light... it's not the difficulty of game play, but more one of mechanics - pick up a rock, no, pick up a rock again. Pick a mushroom, no, actually pick up the mushroom... Yes, I know about the get-close-enough-auto-pickup too.

I'm not 12, I don't need YouTube videos to know how to go to the bathroom by myself, and I won't go into all the things that appall me abut it here.

It's not that I don't get the game - I even want to actually really like the game, but no, Hugin is not nearly enough, can be hard to find, and sometimes likes to set down in the middle of a bunch of enemies, which while easy enough to dispatch, is nonetheless annoying.

It just feels very unpolished, very Early Access - and that's fine too - I play quite a few Early Access titles. Perhaps it simply needs time to mature - just hopefully not as long as it took Viking culture ;-)
9:13 pm, December 28, 2022
indigo 0 comments 0 likes