Arran Chace replied to Why isn't my GPU and CPU used properly and maxed out? February 19, 2021 @ 5:52:08 am PDT

The game runs for a huge number of players pretty well, but agreed there is a portion of players who have issues, i wont deny that.

From the complaints it seem to be related to some combinations of hardware, most people with issues seem to be related to RTX cards, thus there can lie some issue in.
Also some older systems have issues, this can have several reasons i'm not knowledable enough on the reason why this might be an issue, i can speculate with a educated guess, but with acces to the gamecode nor hardware to test on, for us mere consumers hard to figure out.

But in general the game runs fine on most systems, thus this means they have to figure out thats going on, and why the issues, and that takes time.
And for such issues there is that old beaten down horse, Early Acces period.

Sometimes there is a quick fix, and sometimes it seems to take forever, and in a rare case it even leads to cancelation of a project as they cannot solve the issue (one of my fav games in EA suffered that fate, sadly, game was really good pretty innovtive looked pretty great as well, with really good newtonian physics, but they never could solve the issues with it , that game was Hellion).

I only can assume they are at it, and we just need to be patient.
TBH i have no complaints, yes for the system i have, the game imho underpreforms, i really should have better FPS.. agreed.. yet its pretty playable, guess i'm one of the many lucky ones, and i wont deny it sucks if you are one of the unlucky ones. Been there myself too more as often..

In the end, if games where not cancelled, in the end most early acces games run pretty good after there official release. For example, i coudnt play Subnautica in early acces for a long time, the game ran like utter garbage for me.. for others it was perfectly playable.
But near the end of their ea cycle, subnautica started to play just fine one my PC (altough i still have an graphical glitch with the game, that transferred to BelowZero where i have the same graphical glitch)

7days2die, also a pretty populair game i have, and played ALOT (over 700hrs) but also with different expierences, at times it runs awesome, and at times it runs like garbage.
Its something i learned over time with early acces games, and cannot be to much bothered about, as it will get fixed in most cases, unless you dealing with some shady devs. But i dont think these devs are such shady and just grasp the cash and leave things from here as they are.

11:13 am, June 3, 2021
Arran Chace 0 comments 0 likes