QueenMadeleineAlexis replied to how long do serpants respawn September 25, 2021 @ 9:27:13 am PDT
There is not "spawners" for serpents , sea spawn works like 64mx64m squares , there is a 5% at night and rains (stacks to 10% ) , any time you leave these global squares can be spawn a serpent , if not , enter in a "cooldown " of 1000 secs to try spawn again in that square area
Easy way to farm them : dont wait in the same place or back where u killed one . just sail arround in med/high speed at night or rains , use freeze arrows , broke them with 3 or 2 shots ( if them didnt notice u yet )
thanks. never truly solo hunt/farm them. i guess i be sailing close to land up and down and hope.
5:13 pm, September 25, 2021