nature valley replied to Plains tips? December 21, 2021 @ 11:32:26 am PST

Some other general tips for the Plains:
  • Raid fuling camps and towers for barley, flax and totems (needed to summon the Plains boss)
  • Slap down a portal nearby before raiding a fuling camp
  • Thin out the fuling camp with sneak shots using bow -- I personally go for watchtower dudes -> shamans -> berserkers -> fulings
  • Engage fulings group by group -- try to keep each group around 3-4 at max. More than that is still doable but things can get messy quick if you aren't careful.
  • Melee weapons worth crafting from this biome: Porcupine, blackmetal sword and atgeir.
  • Blackmetal atgeir is very strong in the Plains imo. Good for fighting multiple fulings (which will happen very often), can stunlock berserkers (up to 1*) [] and loxen to death, can also harvest flax and barley quickly with secondary attack.
  • Arrows wise, I like using frost and wood arrows. Needle arrows are cheap but frost arrows are better against tar growths and the Plains boss himself.
9:13 pm, December 21, 2021
nature valley 0 comments 0 likes