sarteck replied to been peeping this for a while. Just another grind simulator I take?! May 4, 2022 @ 6:37:58 pm PDT
I mean no offense here, but isn't that exactly what "grindy" is? Y'know I never thought this game to be grindy. It's an expedition imo. You set out to get whatever it is your looking for and then bring it back to base for use. It comes down to the way you go about that business, make it hard for yourself and try do things the game says won't work or plan a more efficient safe way to do so. I'm looking at you cart complaints 😜.
The reward is the haul once returned and all the wonderful things you intend to do with it which then it runs out and you are now off for another expedition whatever that may be, a boss trophy, some plants, building an outpost etc etc the game is very use your own imagination when it comes to what you want to do next, there is literally no hand saying go do this next.
Going out to collect stuff to make stuff so you can collect stuff to make stuff to collect stuff to make stuff?
I'm not saying it's BAD, and I enjoy it myself, but that's always how "grindy" has been explained to me.
Also, carts suck.
2:13 am, May 5, 2022